If you are still using the standard TIG cups and hardware that came with your machine or TIG torch, I can just about guarantee you will get better results if you upgrade to a weldmonger® stubby gas lens kit.
QUESTION Hi Jody.....I have a customer that wants his race car headers "helibrazed" on the outside of the flange the way Hooker Headers does it to their upper end race car headers. I already asked my 2 local welding shops with no answer available. Can you please help me find out if this product is available in Canada, and why is it so much better than straight tig welding with steel rod. I know you'll know the answer...you have never let me down with getting the right information. Please help me!! Thanks for being there.....
Helibrazed? That could mean any rod that melts lower than the base metal. Usually silicon bronze or aluminum bronze is used for the stuff you’re talking about. Silicon bronze is also called sil-bro . Everdur is an old brand name for a version of silicon bronze. It’s all basically the same, copper plus silicon or aluminum to lower the melting point and help it wet. The technique is to use the tig torch to just almost melt the base metal but not quite. The arc is directed on the filler rod and it wets out and makes the weld like flowing butter.Some header companies might also be using nickel rod. It melts a bit lower than steel too. ..And flows like butter. Nickel rods are more expensive than silicon bronze.Truthfully, some base metal melts too but keeping it to a minimum is key. A fillet weld on a header flange or the inside path of a flange might benefit from helibrazing from the standpoint of less warpage, a lot less …and not melting all the way thru a header wall will probably make it last longer.
silicon bronze is handy for all kinds of stuff.
go to the updated welding forum
Tig welding - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Q&A
Is it possible to have life after 50 and learn how to tig and mig? I’m interested in welding pipe in the 6G position and learning about tig welding because I think that it will benefit me and my family. I have never had an appropriate training program, I believe I will make somebody an excellent hand. I do have a lot of experience running .045 mig with tri mix and passed a structural test all position with 7018 1/8 and just recently passed a 3/4 plate vertical 3/4 plate 1/16 flux core(which I had never run) then back gouging then filling it and only passing a bend test. I have been out a job for 5 months. My point is I feel I have the ability to do anything! I’m looking for some advise on some free schooling or web sites that I can get any education I can on how to become the best welder I can and as quickly as I can. Thank you for your ear and time. Sincerely --------------------------
50 is the new 30. I am getting up there in age myself and some days I feel 20 and like I can do anything. Other days I feel more like 60. If you can afford it, Hobart has a 2 week course in tig welding for around 800 bucks. You can see the course page here… http://www.welding.org/p-171-gas-tungsten-arc-welding.aspx It covers mild steel, stainless, and aluminum. From what you have described, this would round you out as a welder fairly well. Then you would just need a little practice tig welding pipe. Some technical colleges will allow you to enroll in a certificate program and bypass all the crap you have to take with a degree program. Check into your local technical colleges as well as Hobart.
QUESTION Jody, I followed your advice and got a bottle of 50% Argon/ 50% Helium to weld aluminum and the results are fantastic! Thanks! Just a couple questions about this, can I add another flowmeter and just buy the helium cylinder and turn it on (along with the argon) for aluminum and off when I weld steel? Do I have to worry about reversion into the tank with the least pressure or is there a 'check valve' type deal that I can purchase to prevent this? I imagine that I would have each flowmeter at 7.5, for a total of 15 for aluminum and then just turn up the argon and off the helium for everything else. Is my thinking on this flawed? It took over a month to get a mixed bottle and I'm just trying to come up with a better way to accomplish the same results. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
You are right about mixing your own argon and helium. I guess not every welding supply is as accommodating as mine. If it is hard to get premixed stuff, you can certainly just buy some fittings. You can use a gas Y with valves to mix your own gas. It is not exactly precise, but you will know when the mix is good enough. Yes you are best to use check valves. They are pretty cheap. I have known of some problems with backing up, when check valves are not used.
Inconel weld with a centerline crack? Yesterday we heat fit a cast nickel fan blade for a blast furnace on a stainless steel shaft. While it was still around 250 degrees I lay down an inconel bead with what I think was a 4.5 mm rod with a Miller Syncrowave DX set to 107 Amps. Immediately after it was wrapped in insulation and allowed to cool slowly. When we chipped the slag we noticed a centerline crack. Today we ground out the weld, preheated both the shaft and the fan blade to around 250 and I lay down the same bead, allowed it to cool slowly wrapped in insulation and.......yup......it cracked. So now burned once shame on you, burned twice time to turn to Jody Collier. I reviewed what you had previously written about inconel and it sounds like I probably had too much heat input. Is this correct? Should I have pre-heat the part at all?
Since there are bunches of different kinds of inconel, it’s hard to know. But typically , no preheat is needed. Several inconels like 718, x750, and 713c are hardenable by age hardening heat cycles. Since this is a furnace, I suspect what you had was inconel 600. Not sure , just a hunch. Often times on a tight fit like this, there is no give… and when you start your bead a tiny crack forms that continues thru the centerline of the bead. To avoid it, add a bunch more filler than you think you should at the beginning of the bead and add a little more than normal for the whole bead so you have a slightly convex bead. This usually helps a bunch in avoiding those centerline cracks.
Hey, I wanted to commend you on your website. I think it is great and I am recommending it to my college welding students. I am always looking for new materials to present to my TIG as well as multi-process class. You have it the nail on the head from certifications to much of the other stuff that goes on in the industry. Thanks and keep up the great work. Thanks Again,
Hey , I really appreciate the props. If I can help you in any way , let me know.
QUESTION Hello Again, I had to mention, that all of my students have to weld two soda cans and razor blades together to pass my advanced TIG class. They have fun at it, and it kicks their butt quite a bit. Later,
Soda cans and razor blades. What a test for an advanced tig class? Soda cans are free, and razor blades are cheap enough too. We need to come up with some more free training materials that are hard to weld. Any ideas? How about scrap brake rotors for padding beads and build up?
Hello, I’m trying to do an open root tig weld on 1/8 aluminum plate and it's just not working.How do you do this weld? I tig welded 1/8 plates together with full penetration but they were butted up tight and with not bevels on the plates. I got this weld tested and the only thing that did not pass was the tension test. I can't figure out why it didn’t pass. I welded 6061-T6 to 5052 using 5356 1/8 wire. could it be that I put too much heat into the material when I was welding it together? what's your take on the subject?
Tensile tests on aluminum almost always fail because of too much heat input. Here is the dilemma… too little heat input , and porosity can bite you . too much, and the tensile values go down. That’s always the struggle when qualifying aluminum welds. Pay close attention to interpass temperature. Let it cool to around 200 f before you add filler passes. If you are not having porosity issues, speed up your travel speed and the tensile values should go up.
is 2% cerium any better than 2% thoriated. why do they recommend the 2% cerium for miller dynasty 350 inverter?
Thoriated tungsten breaks down if you weld at the higher frequencies like 200hz. If you keep it below about 150 hz, thoriated is probably as good or better than anything you will find. But I have never really seen an aluminum tig welding application that needed more than 150 hz
Hi, I am going to be welding a small tank made from 1 mm stainless steel. My question :- What methods are available to purge the inside seam without wasting gas filling the tank? Thank you in advance
Waste the gas. If you use plenty of tape to seal all openings before you turn on the gas, it will not take much to purge it. The weld will go much better if its purge well.
If I use a 50/50 blend of Helium and Argon on a Miller 180 SD, will I need a torch cooler to Tig weld 1/4" aluminum. And will it Tig weld 1/4" aluminum if I use the Helium Argon blend.
http://www.millerwelds.com/om/o360j_mil.pdf in case you need it, I have included the link to your owners manual.. which lists the duty cycle at 40 % for 150 amps. And the range on the machine from 10-180. I think you might be able to weld ¼ inch aluminum with added helium, but not without. Its not going to help your torch getting hot. If you will only weld for a minute or two, you might get do ok. But my experience has led me to get a cooler for stuff that thick. I would try it first. It wont kill the torch unless you just don’t stop. You will know pretty quick when it gets too hot to hold that you need a cooler. I hope I am wrong.
Great website! I've been in the business for close to 30 years and I see alot of great info here that is new to me (ans some that I've long forgotten!). My question: Recently I was tigging on an aluminum trailer, repairing some cracked welds. Most of them I ground out to base metal and then rewelded. I came across one particular weld that just would not allow the filler to flow; just balled up. I ground further and tried it again, same story. I ground and brushed several times and still same results. I finally just tied in out past the edges of the groove and sort of 'bridged' the gap. Butt ugly, but at least it was connected. Have you ever come across this? I've seen this before but never really figured out what the problem was. There was no visual difference between the original weld and the others I repaired. Other info: Stainless brush, 4043 filler, straight argon, tried autobalance and max clean.
Either corrosion under the weld, or some other crap contaminating the weld like oil that has soaked in to the metal. I have heard this a lot from guys repair welding pontoons. Corrosion is usually the problem on pontoons.
QUESTION Hello. I just recently became interested in welding and have quickly gotten addicted. However - I'm starting to believe after reading thru. this site and seeing some of the articles and videos, that I may have bought the wrong welder. My uses thus far are for automotive work, and some projects here and there, but the biggest thing I'll be using welding for now is automotive work. I went out and got the Lincoln Electric SP135T. What's your opinion of that welder? - I can take the hard truth. Thanks!
No hard truth necessary. I just spent the last 20 minutes reading reviews on welding forums. Some welders are pretty adamant that yours is the best 115 v mig out there. Here is the pdf owners manual in case you don’t have it. http://content.lincolnelectric.com/pdfs/products/navigator/im/IM785.pdf
Hey Jody, I was wondering why is there preflow on tig welders? I understand postflow by surrounding the hot metal with argon, but preflow? if the base metal is cold, why put argon to it? Thanks, Vince
For some metals, titanium being the main one. A very large tig cup is used to shield a very large area so that the titanium is shielded until it cools below a critical temp. when titanium is tig welded with a big cup, the tungsten is extended . preflow allows the metal to be shielded when the arc initiates without risk of contaminating the metal . when your electrode is out there about an inch, it takes the argon like half a second to shield the arc. Its always good practice to preflow , but not always necessary.
Hi, Im interested in welding aluminum and have been offered a tig welder.It is an italian machine made by cea :model matrix ac/dc 250.(Any comments on this model or brand?)I have been checking it out and noticed that the squarewave frequency is 150 hz max..I have seen a lot of other machines that go up to 250 hz .Should I be concerned or is 150 hz enough for most applications? Thank you.
You will most likely never need to go above 150 hz. In fact 120 hz is a good all around setting. Other machine manufacturers advertise higher frequencies but they are hard pressed to prove the benefits. My only concern would be support. I have heard the Lincoln invertec v205t is made in Italy. Maybe even by the same folks. It’s a good machine. But I cannot vouch for support on it. If the deal you get is good enough , I would not be afraid to try it out.
BTW, Great Site! I'd like to hear your opinion on welding with a HF DC TIG welder within 10-20 feet of a natural gas line. Is the natural ground at the meter good enough or do I need to supplement this by cleaning a spot further down the pipe and adding an earth ground? The only other feedback I have is that you should zoom your camera in all the way to your work, focus it, then turn off the auto focus. This will keep your vids nice and sharp! :-)
Thanks for the video cam tip. HF near a gas line gives me the willies. You should Consult your safety guy. I am no expert on this topic.
Just a small correction. On your 4130 chromoly page you state that .30 percent is three one hundredths of a percent when in fact I know you mean three tenths of a percent. Small error but easily fixed. Anyways, I happened on your website when looking for a dynasty 200 DX. Ive never welded a day in my life but Ive been a world class motorcycle mechanic working for factory teams for years. I’ve since retired from that career and now build bikes as a side project and Ive found that much like painters, welders seem to be flakes. Seeing as this very reason is what made me go out and learn to paint, I have taken it upon myself to go learn to weld. The community college sucks, they want you to take everything before the tig class to take the tig class. I kind of think that if I can figure out TIG, the rest of is should become pretty easy. I have to say that I have found your site to be absolutely amusing with its colorful language and sense of real world explanations. Its like working with one of the guys. Can you recommend what all I need to effectively use the dynasty 200 DX? Im mostly really interested in its "portability" and that it can be plugged into anything from 110 to 440 and run...I do a lot of race track work and the tracks are generous when they give you 110 to jump. Id love to be able to bring my set up to the track and use it. Anyways, Im having a blast reading your page and hope to hear your recommendation.
Thanks for the heads up on my fubar. You are right. I corrected it . The Dynasty 200dx is great. To be honest, so is the Lincoln invertec v205t. both comparable in features and price. If you are going to be doing a lot of aluminum on 110v, the Lincoln is hard to beat. Both are portable and can run off multiple voltages as well as generator power. But alas, I still like miller . If most of your welding is steel, the miller is better. Both manufactures should be hamstrung for not including a dvd with the machine that explains controls. I teach welding so I don’t have an issue, but most people don’t care to dive in the manual and learn what makes the thing tick. There is an old saying “ nobody who ever bought a drill wanted a drill, what they wanted was a hole”…same goes for welding machines. Learning all the controls is a necessary evil for some people. Not a joy. Lincoln and miller didn’t get that one.
Please could you tell me what brand or who makes 2% lanthanated blue? Thank you for your help.
I get mine from airgas. Brands are different and are always changing. You should be able to order it from www.airgas.com
just wanted to say since i have found this site, i frequent it every day. i am a welder for weber-stephen. the weber grill company. i dont weld the grills (since that is all automated) but i do plant repairs, press repairs and so on. this site has definitely changed the technique that i have with all types of welding. i do have one question for you though... i can't afford a arc/tig welder from lincoln or miller, but i found this one called "GiantTech CT520D" was wondering if you ever heard of it. thanks!!
I have done a bit of pecking around on the forums and what I see is the same old Chinese welder debate. For every comment from someone who is tickled with their new welder, there is at least one person who received a machine that was defective in some way. I am not bashing Chinese machines. I just don’t have the time to deal with a non working machine and having to rely on phone support and FedEx to get me out of a jam. I have been tempted to try one of these things…but again, I would just rather wait for them to work out the bugs. If that ever happens. Here is a link to some forum posts… http://weldingweb.com/showthread.php?p=225835
What is your take on engine driven type welders from miller, like the bobcats ? Do they do a good job at tig welding compared to the dynasty ? Thanks for your time
Engine type welders like the bobcat sometimes offer only scratch start tig. A trailblazer can be outfitted to do tig with high frequency and do it well. The dynasty is completely different. Not only do you not have to touch the electrode, but you have all kinds of arc shaping settings like pulse for DC steel, and high frequency arc shaping on ac for aluminum. Some of these settings are not necessary but nice to have anyway. For some jobs, a scratch start tig is all that is needed. Its all up to the welder to make the good weld.
Just came across your site and have a ball going through it. If my welding teacher all those years ago was half as good......... I was taught to weld as part of my apprenticship, stick and gas only, and since have basically taught my self mig and tig. My welding needs now are mostly as a hobby.....but occasionally I've had to do some commercial jobs.ss tube fabrication on boat rails and such. I enjoy fabricating and try to do the best I can with fit etc. My biggest problem is that i have a real hard time staying steady with my hands and laying down decent looking welds especially with tig. Any tips on how to develop a steady hand? keep up the great site, cheers, ANSWER…
Keeping a steady hand means propping your hand against the metal or something else. Use your head and figure out a way to rest your hand. Hold your torch free as if it were a gas torch, will not give you good results. If you are trying to use the tig torch like you would a gas welding torch,,, Forget about gas welding. Tig welding requires a tight arc. Or else you lose the benefits of pinpointed clean heat. Hold the torch like it is a big 3rd grade crayon and you are trying to stay within the lines. Propping with your palm will steady your hand just like it does when you color with a crayon.
Until the past couple of days I've never TIG brazed and I'm confused. Half of the info I read makes it sound like you don't melt the base metal (steel), the other half you do. I can't get Aluminum bronze A2 filler to flow if I don't melt the base metal like I'm welding. And, I get a kick butt joint that way. If I don't melt the base metal I get no flow to happen no matter how clean the base metal. What's the right method? Thank you for your time.
When I weld with aluminum bronze, I usually use AC current and just flow the metal forward with minimal heat. I do melt the base metal some too. But ac current helps me to minimize that. When I use ac I set my ac balance to max penetration on a syncrowave 250 or if using an inverter, I set the balance to about 90 percent. I use 2 percent thoriated with a point. Whats the harm in melting a little base metal? The idea is not to change the properties of the base metal but it is kind of unavoidable to melt some of it.
How do you weld, or braze, Nibral bronze? This material is used in some inboard boat propellers and in a unit called the "Wedge" made by Malibu boats. The wedge is a reverse hydrofoil that pulls the stern of a boat DOWN into the water more to create a larger wake. These are very expensive and most end up catching a stump under water and are bent or broken. If someone has the skill to weld these they could have a gold mine repairing them for people. Right now we don't know of anyone who provides this service.
Rundquist.com offers all kinds of equipment and training on welding props.
this is the most informative site I have ever seen on welding propellers and such. They list the filler metal as A. UTP/A34N - 3/32" x 36, 1/8"" x 36" B. Ampcotrode #10 - 3/32" x 36, 1/8" x 36 UTP/A34N also welds very well on large diameter manganese bronze props. Tig welding would go better with a 50/50 argon helium mix. You could also go much higher on the helium. AC or DC will work. Depends on the desired outcome. For build up, ac current wets out and leaves a shiny clean weld deposit. For penetration of grooved out cracks, dc may work better. Helium will make more difference than anything else.
QUESTION Hi, Great website keep up the good work. just a question. do you know of somewhere i can get a chart that shows the different frequency and pulse combinations for different jobs(eg electrode size and metal size). thanks
If you find one please let me know. The only recommendations I have seen are in applications articles on the miller site. Miller does have a weld calculator page that helps but it is useless for pulse settings or hz settings for their dynasty series inverters.
Seems kind of crazy to make a machine with all those capabilities and then leave it up to the users to figure out what works.
Hi ! I would like to ask your opinions on oxyacetylene welding particularly on something like a chopper frame (cold rolled steel D.O.M. 1.25" O.D.x.120 wall to be exact). would the welds be as strong as tig welds ( the same type of joint with the same filler rod, say 70s ) ? What about the heat affected zone ? would there be drawbacks to the larger heat affected zone caused by oxy-acetylene welding or should i be annealing my frames after i tig weld them anyways( i haven’t been)? my personal rule of thumb on failure is i would prefer any part that i built to bend before it breaks. i really enjoy gas welding i know alot of people dont mess with it any more, thats just one more reason for me to do it. thanks alot
That seems kind of thick to want to gas weld. I would tig weld it all day long as opposed to gas welding it. You are on to a good point thought about wanting things to bend before they break. But for cold rolled D.O.M. tubing, brittle welds should not be a problem. If fact , the weld should be softer whether tigged or gas welded. No stress relief required. Mig welding should be ok as well. If you are dead set on doing it, here is a good resource for you … http://tinmantech.com/
I am retiring from DuPont after 48 years. I am a millwright (our millwrights don't weld. WE have welders) As part of my retirement package. I have money to spend on education. I just want to learn to weld either Tig or mig. To work on my hotrod ,and other hobbies .But I only want to learn one or the other as I am only going to buy one welder. And at 67 I don't think I am going to enter the construction field. Any advice or Ideas how I should go about this. By the way I really like your web page.
If you think you will only weld steel. Get a mig. If you would like to fart around with aluminum, stainless, chromoly, etc., go with a tig welder. I hear good things about the miller 211 with autoset and multivoltage. Also the miller Diversion 165 is a good beginners tig unit.
I'm fairly new at welding aluminum, and need some advice on a handrail project I'm working on. I'm trying to weld 1/2" aluminum square bar to 1 1/4" aluminum pipe, and I'm having quite a bit of trouble getting a nice looking weld, especially with such short beads. I would appreciate any suggestions on settings, techniques, etc. that would improve appearance (and quality). Thanks.
You need some helium mixed in to your argon. You can either buy premixed 50/50 or get a Y with valves , a tank of helium, another regulator/flowmeter. If that seems like too much trouble a little preheat with a torch will help.
my tig welder will not go from the scratch start to full-weld position ...what is the problem?
Not enough info to give a good answer….what kind of tig welder is it?
my names larry from michigan first off i love the site im 17 years old ive been mig tig arc welding for 3 years now in school and whatnot anyways i was wondering what type of tig welder u would suggest me buying for my first tig welder it has to be ac/dc high freq start foot pedal 5-185 amps or more, i like lincoln and miller no prefrence on brand as long as it is a good brand and im not looking to spend over 2000 please help i appreciate it thanks
Sounds like a miller syncrowave 200 is in your future. if you can find a used miller syncrowave 250 on craigslist, that is what i would do.
I am in search of a round bar tungsten 7 "length carbide, but I need tell me if has distributors in mexico. the bar the important thing for me the length. varies as may be 1/16 x 7 "length." Thank you I hope response.
ANSWER… Are you talking about tungsten electrodes? if so you can buy them online from Northern Tool, CyberWeld, or others.
QUESTION Jody, I just bought my first few pieces of mild steel to practice TIG welding. What is the best way to clean this stuff with prior to welding? My hands are black just from carrying it from the car to the shop! Is Acetone the best? Thanks in advance,
If it is cold rolled, acetone is fine. If it is hot rolled, you will want to sand off the mill scale or you might think that you just suck at welding. Tig welding over mill scale is no fun. Use a 4 inch electric grinder or something like that to clean to shiny bright metal.
Ok, your love affair with tig has given me pause. So now it is up to you to clarify my confusion. I attended the Lincoln Electric mig welding school because I want to build aluminum boats. After talking with some engineers there, I settled on a pulse mig, inverter machine. I am well aware of the benefits of tig welding for aluminum, but the speed of bead laydown was the issue. So can a tig machine be used to build 30' aluminum boat? I was all set to get a Miller 304 cc/cv multi purpose on Ebay when I cam across your site. Those machines don't have both AC and DC tig. So give me some wisdom
For speed and production, the mig is probably your best bet. You may need a tig machine down the road for intricate handrails and smaller hardware. I welded a crapload of concrete cutting saws with tig and I was wishing I had a pulse mig for that.
Site is great! Loads of info and what a person can't find on here, you are willing to answer promptly. I love it! Quick question. Working on an aluminum project that eventually will be anodized. Is there a specific base metal and/or filler rod to use when welding pieces together that takes to anodizing better? I've heard you need a specific filler rod when welding aluminum that will be anodized, but can't remember what it was. Thanks again for the site!
Here is a very good chart for aluminum filler metals that also has anodizing issues explained… http://alcotec.com/us/en/support/upload/Aluminum_Filler_Alloy_Selection_Chart-2.pdf
I frequently repair stainless steel sinks and counters in restaurants. I am a self taught tig welder. I had to learn on the job on my own. I am looking for tips on seaming in counter tops that are typ 16ga 304ss. I recently had to weld a flat counter top and it warped badly. I had to admit defeat and my company had to call in a finishing company. What can i do to keep the pieces from warping?
If you can find some pieces of ¼ inch thick aluminum to use for chill bars, that will come in handy. I have used bars like this along with some real long c tong type vise grip clamps to draw heat out of stainless and at the same time not contaminate it with iron an cause rust problems later. I recommend a few pieces about 4 inches by 8 inches . It helps if it has a bevel on it too for easier weld access when you have to weld right next to the edge of the aluminum bar.
Can you TIG weld Aluminum with a DC inverted welder. I have a Thermal arc GMS its a DC power supply with TIG, ARC, MIG setting. The TIG setting is lift start. Also there is a inductive control and hot start controls there a switch for amp control remote or panel.
Not really. At least not effectively. If you have some uhp (ultra high purity ) helium, you can stick aluminum together, but unless it is perfectly clean, you wont be happy with the results. It is good for fixing a ding or something but not for general repair or fab.
QUESTION Hello I would like to upload some quality video on tig welding. How are these people getting such clear views of the weld pool, are they placing a autodarkening lens in front of the camera or are they using a special lens for their cameras.
I really wish I could talk to someone who knows how to film an arc. I only have limited success. I made a short video on tig welding aluminum where it came out ok and I used an autodark lens in front of the camera. If someone out there knows how to film a puddle and arc clearly, please contact me. I will pay you for your help.
Hi I am having problems welding 355 alum aerospace castings lately. Sometimes not all the time when I get a puddle there is what looks to be bubbles coming out of the base metal sometimes I can work the puddle around and the will disapear and the weld x-rays good other times it looks like all of the bubbles are gone but when it gets x-rayed they are still in there. This happens more with 355 than 356 or 357 alum. We sand cast our own parts. What are these bubbles and where do they come from and how do we get rid of them? I am using a Miller Dynasty300dx tig welder 1/8 lanthanated tungsten electrodes, max peak is set at 180, balance 65, frequency at 60, ultra pure argon is used at 20. Thanks
50/50 argon/helium will help some. Also setting you balance to 60 or maybe even 50 should help. Preheat is also helpful. Porosity is gas bubbles. Where they come from is another story. Could be inclusions, grit, oil, hydrogen, etc. slowing the cooling rate, increasing the cleaning action, and increasing the heat of the arc with helium , are all helpful in getting rid of porosity.
Hullo! I just read your article and saw the video of the Northern Industrial Solar-Powered Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet, and am wondering if you've used it for low-voltage tig yet, and how it responds? I have a cheapo $50 Harbor Freight auto-darken helmet, and it's great for the hobbying I do, but the damn thing doesn't trigger with low voltage tig -- drives me nuts cause I have to use a non-auto helmet for these applications. I forget what voltages I was working with, but seems to me it was down around 20 to 30v. Anyway, thanks for any input! If you think it'd be better than my HF auto darken, I'll buy one tonight, and pocket the $300 I was going to spend on a Miller!
I have used it with low amperage tig. Using a syncrowave 250 no problems, Using a dynasty inverter at low amperage , I got flashed once or twice. If you are going to be using low amperage tig or an inverter , I would go with the better helmet and spend the money.
I notice you have a love affair with tig weldng. I was going to get a pulse mig to build aluminum boats, but you have given me pause. So can tig work for thicker aluminum and weld in tight quarters?
Tig can work for thicker aluminum, but for speed, if you are going to be building boats, a good pulse mig like a miller 350 mp or comparable machine might be better.
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Tig welding bronze
I have a job coming up that requires me to weld 220 bronze, can I use tig prosses and what polarity, gas, and amp range do I use? It it a smooth arc?
Spider cracking in tigged aluminum plug welds
building a diesel fuel tank out of 3/16" 5052 aluminum plate - adding top plate last to allow rest of tank to be welded inside and out. Top plate lands …
Getting a smaller tig torch for a Longevity 256pi weldall water cooled and quick gas connect.
I need some advice on Tig torch. My problem is I purchase a Longevity 256pi weldall 250amp 220v water cooled. But this machine is inported from China, …
shaarpening tig electrodes
I really like your video's every week I am 70, have been stick and ox acety welding since high school I bought a used lincoln square wave 255 and am learning …
I want to weld 1mm SS with full tig weld. But once i weld the sheet dooms up. I want a answer for this that, how can i weld it fully without any doom in …
impossible aluminum setup?
I have a 1" to 2" aluminum weld joint with a 1/4" x 45' bevel. Final weld will fill the bevel and 1/4" fillet on top. Running a Miller 350 Syncrowave. …
Question about a miller syncrowave 180sd
Thinking about buying a Miller Syncrowave 180SD. Can you tell me a little about this machine? The serial number is LC087867 can you tell me how old this …
Setting a Miller HF Dialarc to weld aluminum
First of all when I got out of high school I welded aluminum for 10 years.Tig and mig.Got pretty good at it.
They made me a welding foreman and I would …
What gas do you use to GMAW Stellite 21 to 316L stainless?
I would probably use either trimix …
mig to tig
Hello. Can I hook a air cooled tig torch to my miller 210 mig and run a argon bottle
Nope, wont …
using 220volt 60 hz welding AC DC machine on 220v 50 hz electricity
220 VOLTS 50 HZ LIKE …
When tungsten touches the molten weld pool, what pulls the contamination up onto the hot tungsten?
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u a weld test
any tips for welding carbon steel with 309 for weld test? thanks for any help. great site.
HZ setting for tig
miller syncrowave 250 ,what do I set the HV knob to that is under the cover at the bottom of the welder,; on aluminum,I got all the rest to this tig thing …
tungsten electrode for silicon bronze
what is the best electrode to use when welding silicon bronze. i will be welding 1/8" plate c655 silcon bronze with a Miller Maxstar 150 STH DC TIG
thank …
6g 2" Sch 10 Stainless steel pipe weld test
im using scratch start set up no foot pedal large cup 1/16 tungsten and 3/32,1/8 filler metals using about 15cfh gas flow what would be good amperage for …
Tig controll
I have a Everlast 205 ac/dc tig/arc with a foot pedal,,this particular foot pedal has a dial/adjusting nob on it with no numbers or % of anything..these …
using stainless rod
Jody i was told by a friend that he uses stainless rod to weld all of his 4130 and mild steel. Whats up with that. Is it ok to do or less cost effective. …
which TIG to buy
Thanks for the great site!
I am new to welding but have some projects that I'd like to do. I am restoring an old boat and need to make a swim platform. …
why not purging aluminium
I know there is no need to purge aluminum but dont know why .why purging is needed for steel and not for aluminum.
Simply what is the reactive element …
TIG welding courses.
Hi, My name is Eli and I am from Anaheim, CA and I am wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as far as a TIG welding course of some …
UCC-305 linde
I recently purchased this on ebay and won the bid for 350 dollars. It has a weldcraft watercooled torch (350a), foot pedal, homemade water cooler and …
301 stainless steel half hard 20 guage
Why is it so hard to weld and grind smooth? Using 308 filler rod repairing the panels on the outside of a train. Train body is from Japan.
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Suck-back in tack tie in
Hello, i'm a Boilermaker and i've been practicing TIG welding for about six months. I'm getting the hang of it but I just want to ask one question. What's …
Stainless steel cracks
I am trying to weld a stainless steel fitting to 5/8" stainless barstock that has been gundrilled 3/8" inside.Everything looks great after grinding and …
porosity in P-20 tool steel!
Hi, I was just wondering if you might know why I am getting porosity on a mold that I am welding!
This mold was repaired years ago, with what I don't …
What is the right machine?
By the way this site is the bomb, so helpful. But to get to the point, I have a Lincoln ranger 250 and I want to learn to TIG weld. I work for a outfit …
Jagged appearance of backside of butt welds in aluminum
Hello, I'm welding .063 6061 in butt weld position. The upper weld looks fine, but flip it over and it looks like a jagged mountain range. I thought maybe …
Weld two drill rods together
I need to weld to drill rods together .06" diameter, what is the best way to do this?
drill rods …
13-8 S.S.
why not use 13-8?
also known …
Convert a Lincoln 175 square wave machine from 60 hz to 50 hz operation?
I am planning in moving to Europe and would like to use my Lincoln machine there if possible. It is a 60 Hz machine, and of course all in Europe is 50 …
Weld cracks
OK nice site. Love it. Full of info.
Now the prob. I have an older Taylor Outside Wood boiler that needs repair. Im using a weldcraft 17v. scratch start …
why is TIG preferred for full penetration carbon steel small bore pipe
why is TIG preferred for full penetration carbon steel small bore pipe butt welds in the fixed position?
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prince xl spoolgun postflow
I have a lincoln 350 mp welder ,I would like to know if any one has had a problem with post flow on the prince xl spool gun.Pre flow works but the post …
4130 .035 Wall on Aircraft Fuselage
Any suggestions on getting into the really tight acute angles I run into on my aircraft fuselage?
All my welds are good where I can get access but I …
arcing off side of tig cup
Awesome website, I wish I could go to your school. I was tacking some some 1/4 inch flat metal to the end of a 1/8 wall square tube (both 304L stainless)and …
Gas lens and large cup
I weld food equipment for Hobart in Troy ,Ohio.I use a gas lens and large cup for clean and nice welds plus color.
I have been welding this way for …
Tungsten Sizes
im using 1/8 tungsten with 3/32 filler welding ss 316 and Inconel625 at 55-80 amps wanted to know would using a smaller tungsten help in anyway or does …
Pulser options
Hi, I have a new miller syncrowave 250 dx and have been looking at pulser options, the pulser says it varies from .25 to 10 hz for the syncrowave 250's …
what settings do I use?
Im using a lincon tig and stick welder and I weld a lot of stainless.
if I wanted to try aluminum could I set it to AC , and use 2% thoriated tips …
Lack of pen in a 1/8 inch 6061 T6 fillet
Hi - we are trying to achieve a class A level of welding qual (AWS D-17.1) .125 and .080 Fillet 6061T6 , in a fillet jig with back up gas @ 3 psi. 3/32 …
Tig welding
Hi there I just got a tig welder. Trying to weld mild steel, stainless, aluminum the torch just blows the arc every where I can't seem to weld at all with …
welding 304 SS pipe outside
How cold can it be outside before a pre heat is needed to weld Stainless Pipe ?
If the pipe is …
Looking for a suare wave TIG welder
I'm looking for a square wave TIG to weld steel or aluminum.
The chinese models are about 30-50% of the cost of a miller or lincolin or ESAB. I dont plan …
need argon purge for 308 wire and carbon open butt?
i know 309 is a the best rod for this, but can i use both and need argon purge for both?
308 …
da sanding
can you sand parts with 80 grit or 180 before tig welding aluminum?
180 grit is better than …
dont know what i need
Hi there what do i need for my 250 bobcat to to do tig work ? thank you have a good day people
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going o start a welding class for high school, trying to get tooled up. goal: to be able aluminum boat building capabilities...tig or mig with small budget
We are going to start a welding class at the Nanwalek High school and need to tool up..my questions are what equipment,to buy ,tig, or mig,are looking …
high freqency
just bought a used lincoln 185 tig welder and plan to do some projects in my home garage. will the high frequency effect my home electronics ? thanks mike …
Can a Mahe beta 190 hf do stick (rod) welding?
Hi all, I am a retired engineer who is used to mig,gas, and arc (stick) welding. I have recently swapped my Fermi h.f stick welder for a Mahe Beta 190 …
what can i do to avoid suck back when welding titanium tube in the g6 position
Welding Aluminum thin walled pipes (3mm) butt joint using TIG process
I am welding aluminum pipe with wall thickness 3mm using TIg process but i do not get a good finish or a satisfactory weld in the root side. do i need …
fisheyes in root run
Hi i am having trouble with the root run on 8" sched 10 stailess steel pipe.
I keep getting fisheyes in the stop starts ??
Any ideas.
porosity in stainless to carbon
i'm tig welding standard carbon to 304 stainless pipe with 309 filler rod why is there porosity?
Whats the rule of thumb for cup size? Or do you just go with what your good with?
i can do most …
AC welding for repairs
You have mentioned using AC with Aluminum Bronze Rod for various situations.
If I'm welding cast iron with Al.Br. rod, what tungsten do I use …
Tig settings
Im a certified welder {smaw} trying to learn more about tig. Mainly argon pressure and amps for stainless steel up to 1/4"
titanium pipe, open root vs. fused root
I have been asked to perform a 6G 4" titanium weld test. The trouble is there has been some questions raised about what to do for the root weld. We have …
I am looking into purchasing the Lincoln square 175 Tig welder. This is my 1st tig...oh and I dont really know how to weld. I would like to play around …
filler wire use in pipe welding root pass
im a newbie tig welder.. i just want to know.. what kind of filler wire i will use in welding carbon steel pipe?
ER70s2 …
i went to 9 months of hobart schooling...
just want to know where i could find a tig ss piping job that pays per diem and motel would be nice if they help with the traveling …
filler metal troubles
Hi. I am new to tig welding and trying to learn it on my own. I can get a puddle started and run it just fine. But, when it comes to adding filler, I just …
Inverters are better …
Welding Inconel
I was thinking of taking a whack at learning how to weld inconel in order to build a really nice set of turbo headers for my race car. I know its an exotic …
Back purging
i want to tig weld aluminum bike frames and was wondering if i need to have shielding gas inside the tubes to protect the inside from contamination?
Welding unknown "Bronze" alloy
First off I'd like to say this is a great site!
Currently I'm repairing a "Bronze" statue cast in 1880. I want to weld a stainless frame within the …
Foot pedal
Hi I'm looking at buying a foot pedal for my Lincoln v300 pro. I was wondering if I could get a universal or do I have to buy one from Lincoln
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Steel weld pool is 'drawn' up onto the tungsten.
Hi there, may I first congratulate you on having the best welding information and resources website I have ever seen, it is truly brilliant! Now my question …
Hi Jody,
Been watching your vids and site for over 18 months now and you are much appreciated.
I am repairing a 30 year old hopper for a catering …
Tig touch up on parts that are on a cnc lathe
we do repair work where at times a part is in a CNC lathe and needs to be touched up a bit, instead of removing the part from the CNC lathe to do touch …
miller hf251d-1
can i hook up my miller hf251d-1 to my lincoln ranger 250 dc machine and still be able to tig aluminum, although the 250 is a strait dc machine, the hf251d-1 …
Porosity in weld Tig root, 7018 cap
So i am welding 1 1/4 chrom with tig ER70Sb2L root, and 7018B2l cap and I am having problems with porosity in the weld. The porosity is showing …
My tig welder has only high frequency only, what's wrong?
I have had my Linde (L-tech)250 amp TIG welder for about 25 years and it is a wonderful machine. recently i tried to weld some mild steel and accidentally …
Best fluid for torch coolers
Coolers for TIG torches need fluid.
What is the best mix?
Importance of distilled water?
Will running with distilled water only ruin the pump because …
High Frequency On No Arc Current
Hello everyone new to tig welding and need some help on making tacks. I have a miller 165 diversion that i tried to set up according to the tack like a …
can't get the base to puddle
hi, i have been reading up on tig welding, it's been about 22 yrs sience i did any tig,a friend of mine just bought a Thermal Arc 185tsw ac/dc cc with …
multiple choice question
which is not an advantage of helium/argon/carbon dioxide mixtures for welding stainless steel?
a.short circuiting transfer can be used for joining thin …
argon mix for mild steel
what gas mix do you use for mild steel tig...
I dont use a mix...just pure argon.
same for stainless and …
Welding a float shoe on P 110 casing
Can you weld on P 110 grade casing? I have 7 5/8" 29.7#/ft p110 casing and want to know if welding on it will cause the casing to crack. I have been told …
TIG Welding Learning Video
I have the $400 Harbor Freight TIG welder (which seems to work) and your DVD set. I also have two books: Welding Principles and Applications by Jeffus …
Sanitary Stainless Pipe Welds
I'm trying to learn how to TIG weld sanitary stainless pipes (usually 1.5" to 2" diameter) at the brewery where I work. I can't find much "down and dirty" …
syncrowave or invertor
I love the idea of an inverter machine but cannot afford one unless I go Chinese. The Everlast 250EX has gotten good reviews and is in the price range …
monel to 316l
How to TIG weld monel tubing to 316L tubing without filler metal? And without centerline cracking?
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welding cast alloy (cylinder head)
i use TIG to weld the cylinder head, but i got a problem.when i start to weld the casting there are many bubble come out from the casting and the …
How does HTP tig compare to miller 200 dx
I just wanted to know if you had a chance to test HTP tig and how does it Compare to Miller 200dx? Thanks
I have not had a chance …
Miller Maxstar 150 s power source?
Hi Jody, my company has recently purchased a maxstar 150 s. This is actually one very impressive machine using 220. However, id like to plug the 115 directly …
Its possible- route run welding of ss 316L pipes without purging?..
is there any special electrodes / filler wire available for route run welding of SS 316L pipes without using purging.in my requirement no of joints are …
gas question
I'm kinda new to tig welding. Can I use the same gas from mig welding for tig welding?
No, it wont …
Miller Maxstar 91 CC DC Inverter Welding Power Source
The proper way to set up a Miller Maxstar 91 to weld
A miller maxtar 91 is a DC only machine.
It will …
heat for open butt roots
My questions is setting the heat. Ii know for 1/8 tig rod on carbon it usually goes nice at 100the amps on my lincoln. My question is what do you yourself …
Pulsing the pedal? Is this wrong to do?
I have found that for me personally it helps a lot in keeping my rhythm to pulse the amperage up feed rod, let off to almost nothing move over an 1/8" …
Cracking in stainless welds
A friend of mine recently had a set of stainless turbo headers built for his car by a local fab shop. After only a few hours of use we noticed that almost …
Auto Body TIG Welds
I am planning to fix a few bits of rust on the roof of my 4WD.
My question is what to treat that weld with before doing any painting.
I have no problems …
Aluminum Wheel Troubles
Hey Jody.. .First off your site is amazing and I can't tell you how much I've learned or how many hours I've spent reading material on this site. I have …
best all around tig welder
i was wondering what your opinion was on the best all around tig welder for the money. my typical applications would be 3/8 or less metal thickness on …
sanitary weld - inside corner.
I TIG'ed some stainless salt pans for a food service company and I backed the corners with aluminum angle. Turned out real nice. Even though the job didn't …
Bronze Welding
I am repair welding a brass spindle from a separator used for tallow in a rendering department of a freezing works. I have tried Tig, Gas and bronze electrodes. …
Purging closed ends furnace pipe
I need some help on how to purge furnace pipe for welding with TIG. Never done it and the situation is this;
Metal:CR 2.5%, MO 1%.
There is no …
Porosity and lack of fusion in Copper welds
We have a customer that wants us to TIG weld two dissimilar alloys. The first alloy is Bronze 4640 (Nickel, Aluminum, Bronze)and the second alloy is UNS …
Couple of quick questions
Gday, brand new to tig welding and teaching myself, I have noticed porosity at the end of a lot of my beads. Any suggestions? I have purchased a uni-mig …
What's the best way to weld in a drilled hole.
Hi Jody, man great job on the site and everything. My question is how to best focous the arc at the bottom of a drilled hole in aluminum? The idea is to …
foot pedal switching
Hi jody, i posted earlier about stainless problems, i took advice and also did what im always telling students.PRACTICE.im now laying near perfect welds …
Getting argon to work miller dialarc tig
I cant seem to get the argon to cycle when trying to tig with a used dialarc hf I bought and the guy was welding aluminum with it the morning I picked …
weldin aluminum boat
hull is .070 thick rib is .040 boat be 46 yrs old seen many owners holes everywhere someone thought they should mount something.
ihavent had any problems …
welding monel pipe open root butt welds
what is the correct wps and any tricks or tips and how much and how much purge should i run ? and about what amperage and inter-pass temps and pre heat …
Balloon gas for welding?
I am keen to try some helium while tig welding Aluminium. The cheap option here seems to be a small bottle of "Balloon Gas" that is supposed to be for …
Fusion welding small stainless steel parts
Hi Jody....I just started my first job out of school "fusion welding" small stainless steel parts. What is advise on temp and gas for fusion welding.
why no ballin
its been about 6 yrs since i did any tig welding aluminium. my question is - why when im welding and when ive finished welding does the tip of the electrode …
AC TIG arc not "jumping"
I recently purchased an older Miller Syncrowave 250 machine and when trying to weld aluminium the arc isn't "jumping" to my base metal when i press …
multiple passes on aluminum
I bought a $400 dollar welder for odd stuff around the house and garage. I unfortunately did not have a budget for a better welder. I am welding 1/4 inch …
stainles tube weld problem
Hi Jody ,love the site and your discs have arrived, im building a bathing platform for our boat, im a plumber so i bent the 316 tube(2.5mm wall) and have …
14 Ga. SS butt weld
I work for a paper converting machine Manufacturer and work as a welder/fabricator. One component we fabricate is made of 14 Ga. SS, and can vary …
302 stainless steel no filler welding
I have plate of 302 stainless steel. the thickness of plate is about 1.5 mm. I decide to tig welding but no filler. I don't know parameter of Tig …
What weld holds the most strength and why?
What weld holds the most strength on tubing or are all welds equally as strong? I am referring to mainly MIG vs TIG.
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titanium to 4140
I am a gunsmith and have a customer who wants me to weld a titanium 1913 rail to a 4140 1911 .45 frame. I have a lincoln square wave and i have never …
How thick of material can you weld with a Tig?
My question is how thick of metal can you weld with a Tig weld? I have a guy telling me that he can weld pipe from 2-5" thick with a tig. Why would somebody …
strength of mig vs tig on tubing
I want to know if the strength of a properly tig welded weld is as strong as a properly mig weld on tubing. I was told that the metallurgy is different …
Porosity in steel root pass on pipe
Why am I getting porosity when making a root pass? I have a Lincoln 175 TIG machine argon cooled. I'm in Arizona and it is hot! I'm using RG45 steel rod …
Friend gave me one of his Supersize big $ 24 inch chrome wheels to fix
big $ 24 inch chrome wheels to fix..
Have Lincoln 225.Damage is on inner portion of rim.It consists of mild bend (maybe 3 inch).And small tear half …
Opinion on Miller or Everlast tig machines
I’ve been welding since I was 13 years old, I learned the trade from my grandpa, who was a welder his whole life. I've done a lot of stick and mig welding …
the avortec av3x tig , arc ,plasma cutter michine question
this avortec machine is 200 amp for tig welding and 200 amp for arc welding i have a 100 amp service to my house and a 50amp breaker i use for my arc welding …
Cant start an arc on aluminum
Just purchased a Powerpro 256 and I'm not able to get an arc started in ac both with foot paddle or switch. attached the ground straight to the 1/8" alum …
Aluminum beads not coming out very wide
argon gas flow seems restricted?
I have a Lincoln 350mp. I am a self taught welder making stainless sculpture and in serious need of a professional training class. My current issue: What …
Copper to steel welding
Hi there, I saw a guy Tig welding copper tubing to a heavy carbon steel flange using stainless steel filler. Is this practical and or durable? If not, …
Best way to join copper pipe for compressed air?
Hi Jody, Thanks for your site I have learned a lot and I truly appreciate the obvious time and effort you have invested to make us all better welders. …
Trouble tack welding aluminum
Hi Jody,
sorry for my English
i just bought tig welder EWM Tetrix 230 ac/dc and making first steps in welding, and i having problems with tacking
TIG Copper Welding
I am an experienced 6G pipe welder with certs in both Stick and TIG. Do You know of any videos, books, CD'S on how to TIG cooper that is 1 1/2" thick. …
welding 1 mm 304 stainless
just wanted to say big big thx... using the copper to draw the heat worked great thx m8...
great site by the way.
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tungsten prep for TIG Aluminum
How do you prepare the tip of the tungsten for TIG welding aluminum? I have been told there is a way to make the tip ball up a little but am not sure …
how do you tig weld 1 mm stainless steel?
what is the best way to tig weld 1 mm 304 s/s and at what amp ?
A rule of thumb for welding …
tig tube
if you weld tube and fill with filler then cap with stick will it leak and will it pass x-ray?
Stellite 6 overlay on 316SS, TIG Process
What is the best Gas to use when doing a stellite overlay on 316SS?
Argon is fine...and …
rolling the cup
i am having a major problem with rolling the cup, i know how to walk the cup, but how do you get the cup to roll on a vertical lap joint or a vertical …
brand name changing of welding consumables
dear sir,
here we are facing a problem in electrodes that,in our wps mentioning brand name of electrode is LINCOLN for aws spec5.1,classification6010,7018.but …
Bubbles when TIG welding case-hardened 8620
Hi! I'm having a friend who is good at TIG welding help me with filling in a hole around the firing pin port of a black-powder revolver. After a great …
uphill tig test
I am going to go for my cert. in uphill tig in both alum. and steel. I am having trouble getting comfortable. I have tig welded for a while but not much …
keyhole welding on 718 .155 thick plate
Do you have any tips on welding 718 with keyhole technique?
I do, but first I need to know …
Tig welding vertical up
Hello, im trying to learn to Tig weld vertical uphill, but am not doing well. I cant seem to avoid under cutting. Any ideas? Also, what is your opinion …
Titanium CP1 Grade 4
I have a project to tig CP1 grade 4, 1mm thick on a motor bike exhaust. What type of tig wire do I use and do I have to use a pulsate mode. Can I use any …
weld puddle blown out
i have experience this twice when welding an ss schedule pipe, during hot passing at certain point the weld puddle just get blown out and splatter off. …
Striking an arc on tig
Hey Jody, I have noticed a lot of your videos, and Some of the tig ones interested me greatly. I want to learn how to tig pipe, but none of your videos …
heat amp settings
I'M a pipe welder but mostly 6010 and 70s2 i haven't had the opportunity to do much stainless pipe but i am going to soon it will be sch10 fusion and schedule …
Inconel root
Whats the best application for the root pass on an inconel butt weld joint?
I have always used the …
P91 welding
I am doing an exam of P91 6g pipe.
I have never welded this chromium nickel alloy, only carbon steel and stainless.
Do we use purge gases?
What preheat …
Miller Syncrowave 250 welding aluminum
First.... I really want to thank you from the heart of my bottom for offering EVERYTHING! You've been a great help in getting me started in TIG welding. …
Welding Inside Corners
Just starting to learn tig and I'm pretty bad. I've checked out your site and have your video. I can weld 4130 when flat or an outside corner. …
Tombstne tig welder w/ hi freq
I have a Lincoln AC/DC 125/225 tombstone welder set up for tig. Can I hook up a hi freq unit for welding aluminum to it? And if so what units would work? …
tiging process
Can you explain to me how the tig welding process works i am just a 16 year old trying to learn
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How to practice TIG Weld wider gap?
Hi Jody, nice to meet you again.
I've watched you video "Metals and how to weld/Aluminum Properties". In that video you welded the joint which wide enough …
suck back in aliminium
I am getting suck back on the underside of my aluminium joint, has anyone got any answers please.
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aluminum preheating
Hi Jody
I welded my first aluminum casting yesterday. I have been welding thinner aluminum, but the casting took a long time to get warm enough …
Corn Flakes weld puddles
tig welding on mild steel (1018 or similar) . been try'n to get my puddles down nice. Problem i have once in awhile is sometimes the filler puddle after …
small fish eye inside of purge weld 1.25" pipe .120 wall
small fish eye inside of tig purge weld 1.25" pipe .125 wall
purge might have not been perfect …
weld test blues!!
Hey Jody
I took a weld test on 2" sch 40 carbon pipe with 309 wire. I used 1/8 wire. The guy who set my coupon set it at a 1/8 gap. I am used to running …
repairing the tig root pass
I have welded with stick rod most of my life and am now trying to pick up TIG. I have found a lot of material on the internet about TIG welding, but …
copper welding, filler rod match
I do appreciate your ability to teach and enthuse, especially those of us wanting to learn. I have been using O/A for copper and I would like to know …
Tim, tig welder
I had retired from welding about 3 years ago. I only just recently bought a new welder and I was looking up stuff on the net like we do and I came across …
Hi Jody,
Watching your TIG video, I saw your arc is looked strong and steady.
Would you tell me how to get that "strong and steady" arc like that? what …
Inconel 625 to 316L filler material?
Am welding some Inconel 625 to 316L stainless, have been spec'd alloy 59 but can't get any where i am. Can you suggest a replacement?
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old school tig
Hi jody
How about a few tips on setting the amperage when using an old school hf arc stabilizer.Its a miller hf 15 1 hooked up to a tombstone idealarc …
fixing cracks on hard surfacing welds....
Does anyone have any good advice on fixing/adding stellite to already existing stellite? #6 is being used, some was under filled and some parts cracked..If …
repeatable welds
We TIG weld pipe adapters for food processing in 316L S.S., 10 mm to 100 mm by 2 mm wall, on a welding lathe with a fixed torch and fixtured to purge the …
Tig settings
Could you explain the settings on a miller dynasty 200dx? I recently welded with one but it wouldn't do ac aluminum worth a ****.....i assume it was a …
videography of weld arcs
Hey Jody,
I work in the film Biz so I can research and do some testing. Basically it would involve the use of what is called neutral density filters …
Copper Welding
Sincerely ask you
Using mag welding copper
What to use gas??
I believe I would use pure argon …
Can you recomend a welder for the novice beginner?
I am a novice/beginner when with great asperations. I am pursuing to learn to tig weld and serious enough about it to buy a machine. Can you recommend …
Miller 165 Diversion
Outstanding info here..thanks for your time and efforts. Hobby welding all my life it seems, recently picked up a Miller 165..having gas (OA) welded at …
Welding at 190 amps with a 150amp rated torch.
Thanks again for answering questions. You've been very helpful. In a previous question that you answered you stated that for 1/8 (.125) aluminum you would …
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Amperage settings for syncrowave 200
Thanks for your site. Great resource for a beginner tig user. One question though. In all your tutorials regarding welding aluminum you never seem to mention …
Porosity Tig welding mild steel
Frequent porosity welding steel pipe root pass
make sure you are not using too much torch gas . …
Filler wire for 4130, Reynolds 853: ER70s2 or Weldmold 880
Your advice on Tig welding 4130 is to use ER70s2 which works fine and most people agree: but I have seen that some people recommend using Weldmold 880 …
why needs monel pipe root pas purging
I'm Amit kumar Manna,
I would like to know, Why needs purging Monel pipe root pass (TIG) process?
Amit Kumar Manna
mail. akmwpg@yahoo.com …
welding aluminum
can you weld aluminum with oxy acetylene?
yes you can..
tinmantech.com is a site that promotes …
Welding current/voltage
If money is not a concern, is there any value in upgrading from a dynasty 200DX to a dynasty 350? I am a hobbyist (so speed in not important) and I typically …
Tig Noob Setup Questions
1. How dose the XMT 304 cc\cv compare as a tig machine, other than a coolmate dose the machine need any add-ons ( not talking about pedal and torch ). …
Looking for my first tig Welder
First let me say i love your forum and have learned much since I discovered it. My question is :
I learned how to weld using Ox @ Act and then learned …
nickel and stainless welding
Does any one know what type of filler i should use when welding 200 nickel to 316 S.S. when tig welding.
please respond to prochnowg@yahoo.com
Helmet not working under 20 amps
Having problems with my helmet (a decent WIA unit which states its TIG ready). When the arc downslopes the last 1 second or so the helmet turns off and …
the new tigging stainless video that just came out question
at 1 point in the video it looked like you were at show of some type with the vendores hocking there wares. I cought notice of 1 that looked like they …
welding p 91 / 9 % chrome
I am welding 2 inch sch. 80. P 91 socket weld. I can't get it to do anything. What amperage should I be using. I am using er 90s b9 tig wire. Do you have …
aluminum dulls when tig welded
I was wondering why aluminum turns dull when I tig weld it, but other times it turns out shiny? I don't do anything different. Is it the type of aluminum? …
flux-cored GTAW filler procedure for 316L
I'm working on developing a procedure for welding 316L with a 316L flux-cored filler rod. The material is 3/16" thick and was just wondering if there is …
high frequency intensity setting
At the fab shop I work at we have a Miller Syncrowave 300. Inside the panel where all the gas lines and coolant lines hook up there is a knob labeled "high …
Welding stainless with flux stock rods
is it possible to use flux coated stick rods for tigging three and four inch 16g stainless tube to avoid back gassing, and what do recommend for cup …
cast silicon bronze cracking
I often weld cast silcon bronze sculpture and where sometimes the core has shifted to one side leaving sometimes areas of 1mm metal thickness. When I attempt …
capping with tig
when you are getting reaDY TO CAP WITH TIG,DO YOU TURN THE HEAT DOWN AT ALL.the pipe is already screaming hot.
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Pulse TIG settings "chart"
In one of your answers to a pulse TIG setting question you said "If you find one please let me know."
Disclaimer, I am not a full-time welder, just …
pitting while fusing carbon steel
im trying to fuse some carbon steel small stuff but i keep getting alot of pitting i cleaned it im holding the tig at about 20deg. any suggestions???thanks …
Tig Welding 1/8" Aluminum
Hi Jody, Love your site and videos!
Just looking for a few suggestions on tigging aluminum.
I am not a welder by trade but enjoy fabricating.
4130 and 4140 heat treat and filler
Hello I have a piece of 4130 that I want to weld to 4140. what filler should I use and what gas (mix or pure argon)
both parts are over an inch thick …
Tig welding keeps bubbling
Hello Jody,
I am in the NAVY and we are incorporating a new hitch onto our tow tractors. Things have been running smooth until today. We have done about …
Cleaning a weld in stainless/welding 304ss to mild steel
I need to weld a "V" track for a motorized gate i am building. The track needs to be 22' long, so I am welding two pieces of 304 1x1x1/4" angle together. …
Black Powder from TIG Welded SS surface
My question relates to TIG welding of AISI 316 ASTM 270 Sanitary Dairy Pipes. After the welding of all the pipe joints, we have to clean the Piping by …
Tig weld with ac-dc + or - polarity stick welder
Can you Tig weld with ac-dc + or - polarity stick welder and how and can you add a foot pedal
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Schedule 10 1-1/4" and 2" 300 series stainless pipe warping
Hello, I weld a LOT of 300 series stainless for exhaust systems, everything from schedule 10 to 16 gauge tube. I am trying to implement as many ways as …
6061-26 Billet aluminum
I’m an experience tig welder, I have a little experience with aluminum. I have a project to weld 6061-26 Billet aluminum. I have some 1/8”, 3/8” …
TIG Torch Cup Size
How do you determine the best cup size. I started with a #7 as it came with the torch. I am now trying #4. I am using 3/32" tungsten and welding 1/8" …
Butt welding on aluminum
Im using a miller syncrowave 200 to weld two pieces of heat sink together and am not getting good penetration - without warping it to no end.
I'm …
17-4 to 308 round bar
I need to weld 17-4 cast stainless to 304 stainless round bar.What is the best process tig,mig,stick.What type of filler rod.The part is thin so heat is …
Millelr CST 250 What comes next?
I have a Miller cst 250.It is DC current with Lift Arc.I want to Tig with it,but im not sure what i will need to get going.Ive got a air cooled torch,regulator,argon …
clean or replace??
Hi Jody,
always read about tungsten weld contamination but never about alumina nozzle contamination.
Few days ago I looked at my nozzle and suddenly …
cleaning aluminum tig rod
What is the best method of cleaning aluminum tig rod that has been setting for a few years?
spray …
Clean up edge frost
I know how to change my settings on my Powermaster 205 to reduce cleaning action on AC aluminum welding but I am wondering about after the damage has been …
welding aluminum cans
What size tungsten did you use in the video to weld beads on aluminum cans? also it look like you tapered it. also what size filler did you use?
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looking for everyones opinion, I want to buy a Good tig welder!?
I have seen the everlast powertig 250ex , Is this worth the 1600 price tag?
I understand it doesn't have the best accessories but will the machine be …
Continuous feeding TIG filler rod
I can't find any reason for not adding filler rod continuously while TIG welding stainless steel. Everything seems to indicate that this is not a generally …
walking the cup
just wondering if you could post a video welding a sch 40 6 inch C/S pipe in the 6G position showing the 'walk the cup' technique.cheers.
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thin bead on aluminum
i am tig welding with a old miller econo twin HF. this thing is old lol but it still works. the question i have is when i weld straight beads on an aluminum …
Special filler wire for Gas Tunsten Arc Welding of Stainless Steel 304L
I want to Weld SS 304L Pipe of 12 inch but back purging is not possible in my case. I have heard about specialized filler wire which produce slag on root …
foot control or pulse module?
hi jody,
i'm a beginer in TIG welding. Bought a Syncrowave 250DX standard machine without foot pedal and pulse control.
now i find that i need more equipment …
Tig Flame is Blinding???
Hi Jody my name is Marlon 1st off thanks for an incredible Website it has done this Noob wonders!!!! Now for my issue I have been learning with the help …
Having trouble with postflow on my 250EX powertig
Hey, i would first like to say that i love your site and that every time a new welding tips and tricks video pops up on you tube its like Christmas morning. …
can re qualification of old qualified WPS with its supporting PQR is required
Can please any one suggest:
Ours is terminal which commissioned 10 years back handling liquid hydro carbons at high pressure.
Piping material is API …
prep. stainless tubing
Can I get a little advise on how I should prep. stainless tubing for a aircraft exhaust assembly?
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cutting using tig is it possable on thin sheets of steel
i have heard its possible to plasma cut with tig welder is this possible what is the most likely out come and how would i do this to get clean cut is the …
can 75% argon 25%co2 be used to weld stainless steel ?
can 75% argon 25% co2 be used to weld stainless steel ?
yes it can, but if corrosion resistance …
Shortening afterflow time
I just bought the new Lincoln squarewave 175 tig machine. I am wondering whether it is possible from a mechanical standpoint, to shorten the afterflow …
Tungsten quality?
Hi Jody,
Thank you very much for the great site – I am not only enjoying learning TIG welding from you but my progress is going well with the practical …
frog-eyes when purge welding stainless piping.
Firstly, I am new to purge welding SS pipe--and have only tried to teach myself from what others have said "how it is supposed to be done".
However, …
How many passes?
A little while back I asked you a question about trouble I was having butt-welding 1/8" steel with tig.
I couldnt get penetration without the …
AUSTRALIAN Tig Questions
Tip Top site
I Bought a TIG P AC/DC 200 Machine 240volts. www.unimig.com.au I sort of worked out your settings.Can you explain your knob settings …
tig welding inconel tube root and stick filer pass amperage/also porosity on carbon tube on filler passes on start up
i am taking a test this week on an inconel tube and ive never touched the stuff....i really could use some tips on amperage for the more common tig wire …
TIG arc flash
I'm brazing bronze art castings with a Miller syncrowave 250 and silicon bronze rod. After purchasing an auto-darkening lens, I periodically get flashed. …
Tungsten Recommendation
The machine is a Lincoln Precision Tig 225,primary use is for 4130 tubing. What tungsten do you recommend, Ceriated or Lanthanated? 1.5% or 2%? Thanks …
preheat purge procedure ua91 weld test
i will be taking 2 inch xxxh chrome test on Saturday. does anyone know an easier way to preheat and purge this coupon other than using a weed burner in …
Bandsaw Blades
Great Site!!! I know there are resistance welders specifically made for bandsaw blades and are built on to some bandsaws. Is it worth trying to TIG a …
Tig 1/4 aluminum
I am in welding school and I am now learning how to weld with the TIG unit. My question is, I tried to weld a 1/4 coupon together and it looked great. …
tig welding copper pipe
i am building a copper alcohol still from standard 2'' copper pipe and fittings and would like to know if you can tig weld the joints with copper wire …
type filler rod for 316 stainless
what type of filler rod do I need for tig welding 316 stainless steel for a skip tower I am building? thanks
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What is this?
Jody, what in the Hound is this, all this crud that gets up in the cup and on the electrode. I've pushed the electrode out to get a better shot of the …
Is it better to tig or mig weld the bottom of a fuel tank
Hi jody, great site.
I removed an old gas tank, that had plenty of crud, I cut out the bottom, and plan to weld a replacement bottom. I have a miller …
Tig Welding Stainless handrails
I have been mig welding for about 6 years. I own a custom fab shop and have been doing more and more handrails. Recently I have been needing to build …
welding anodized aluminum
How important is having a high frequency tig welder? The lincoln precision tig 225 welder was recommended to me. But this welder has 60 HZ output plus …
Aluminum Wheel repair
I've taught myself to TIG over the last 10 months for the purpose of repairing aluminum wheels for a friend's wheel repair business. I found a good …
Tig machine info Please review
TIG AVORTEC AV3X TIG Welder, ARC Welder Plasma Cutter
Is this A good starting machine for me, that really has little to none experience. Go easy I've …
Thank you very much for your comments. This is really a great site for welders. After reading your comments I adjusted the sensitivity on my autodarkening …
Starting the Puddle on any Join
Hi Jody - F'n Kick ASS site ... watched all the vids via YouTube, and decided to come and visit the site. My Dads been a welder for years, but I never …
lack of shine of bead when tig welding aluminum
I'm still in the early learning stage of tig welding aluminum. I have taken your advice and went back to basics by doing multiple overlapping beads …
mild steel butt-weld with tig
I am a new tig welder and I'm practicing butt welds on 1/8" mild steel.The problem is I cant seem to get full penetration properly.
I have …
i got a quick pipe question for you. i am welding 4" sch 40 carbon steel pipe 6G position. I am having problems with undercut on my cap. i …
180 sd
Jody, Jody don't feel blue frankenstine was ugly too. I'm an old x marine & that was one of the things we shouted on runs. Love your stuff. I just bought …
parweld xti 200p-ac dc tig welder
can anyone help me, i have a small workshop at my home,will the parweld xti 200p-ac dc tig welder work ok on standard 240v power supply from my home, or …
Porosity on 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel TIG Welds
A company called and left a message wanting some info. on why they are getting porosity in their TIG welds using 2205 Duplex Stainless. Any thoughts before …
Tig weld Reynolds 953 SS tubing less than 1mm wall thickness
Great site, thanks in advance.
I must weld approx. 20 downhill mountain bicycle frames of Reynolds 953 Stainless Steel. Reynolds has provided me with …
Anodizing aluminum
we welded 6061-T6 aluminum with 4043 filler wire to only find out that it turns black when anodizing it. Is there anything we can do now short of cutting …
I am a tig welding learner and have Lorch H150.
The problem I am facing is that during welding the arc flashes very bright and I can not see the …
Porosity/pinholes in mild steel
I recently started to weld vertical up butt joint with tig the root run must be in tig and the cap in mig so after welding the root run it leaves a lot …
current type selection
New to welding but eager to learn. Have practiced for 1 year with stick, flux core and mig but want to get hands on with tig. Still, main concern is how …
Deal with sharp grooves
I want to know how to deal with deep and sharp grooves. Like inside the bottom of a "V". Is it possible to place a seam here using tig welding? The Electrode …
tig brazing brass valves
I feel that I'm really offroading here because I get lots of "You're doing what?" on the phone. I am using a Hobart Arcmaster 5000 and a Jetline head positioner …
cea thytronic welder
does anyone know about them
anyone out there heard of cea thytronic ?
Pos to Neg ?
I have run into a problem regards cheaper chinese welders re instructions ?
They state that electron flow from tungsten to work is + flow and from work …
miller welder ID
Hi there, I have a miller syncrowave 275s welder.
I cant seem to find any INFO on it or a manual.
please can you help.
Miller syncrowave …
Bobcat 250-scratch start tig
What size tungsten, and what amp ranges do I use for scratch start tig using a Bobcat 250? I have never tig welded with an engine driven machine before-looking …
flow meter settings
hi i am welding 316 ss running 3-32 tungsten 7 gas lenz with 30 on flow meter , is that gas setting appropriate?
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Opinion of Everlast tig machines
I've done a lot of stick and now I want to get a TIG machine for occasional fab work and sculpture but I have shallow pockets and not enough power in my …
help?! 6G ALUM PIPE
Hello! Great site! I have a cert test at work coming up on thursday for TIG 6G Aluminum pipe, I believe its schedule 40, with a backing ring.It will be …
I was wondering...
I'm 17 and want to weld. Is there an age limit to how old i have to be to weld? I'm a pretty good welder I just didn't know.
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tig weld food cookware
ok or toxic?
allpaul13 @ gmail dot com
tig welding is not toxic. leaving crevices for bacteria …
oxy acetalyne over mig weld
Hello my name is Sam. I made a motorcycle frame. i and don't have a tig, so I mig welded alot of it just so it stays together and looks like a frame. i …
cracking when t.i.g. welding bronze
why is the weld cracking after welding two peices of the same bronze material with the t.i.g. welding process
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Proper Grounding Etiquette
Hey Jody,
I was just watching a video of tig welding aluminum and the guy is crawling all over it. If I did that I would feel a tingle, So either I …
Butt weld crack
One of my welders did .125 thick 5052-h32 butt weld on both sides, after grinding flush (this was a requirement on the print) it was found to be cracked …
porosity in tig root on boiler tube on a 6 g test
i recently welded a boiler tube coupon on a 6 g position with a tig root,i had a little bit of push through at the top but not very much within a 16th …
Retreating tungsten
I've just started tig as a hobby and, thanks mainly to this site, my technique is getting better with each bead. Mild steel and stainless are pretty forgiving …
poor weld in bronze
I tig a 3/16" "weldable brass rod" as sort of an axle into an investment cast manganese bronze buckle body, I've struggled with a decent weld and good …
How about some imfo on DCDP on Aluminum
Going to set procedure Monday and I,m not to happy with it. I'm using orange tung. and helium as a gas. I know it's going to look dirty , but the weld …
slope control
whats the slope in and slope out used for? and what are ther'e benefits
wtt replies,
the upslope and downslope …
High Frequency Generator
Fantastic site. I am TIG welding with a Miller Trailblazer 302 and use a Miller 251D High Frequency Generator to start the arc in steel and 'continuous' …
316 stainless steel
I am writting you back on a qusetion I asked last week and have'nt got an anwser back yet.Iam welding 316 stainless steel and wondering if i can cool it …
help with tiging a tee joint on 1/8 3003
I'm new to tig welding and trying to weld a inset base to a tank 1/8 3003. My machine is a miller 180sd 1/8 electrode and 3/32 filler I'm having trouble …
316 stainless steel
Can I cool 316 stainless steel with water after welding without changing the molecular structure?
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Weld disimilar metals
I have tig welded 1018 hot rolled steel to 304 stainless steel before but for the life of me I can't remember what filler metal I used. From filler metal …
filler metal sizes for tig
what size electrode and filler matal should be used to practice walking the cup with tig on mild steel pipe
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inconel 600 tig welding
is it possible to weld Inconel 600 metal by tig welding? which electrode is to be use for the same?
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breaking off tungsten
how do you guys break off contaminated tungsten so it don't shatter etc.? I've tried pliers, table edge....still shatters
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best tig for the job
first off, I wanted to say ...great site...appreciate the information....this information is definitely worth something...i'm new here, and have …
Welding bicycle tubing (thin) Columbus Zona
Hi, I am welding very thin bicycle tubing (.8mm) something that most people are brazing. But I really want to tig it.
The Tig I have is a UNIMIG 180-p …
i know this isnt a question but i just wanted to show you guys a really cool way of cleaning up the welds without using horrible pickeling paste! (i hate …
Welding with carbon Dioxide
Why cant I tig weld steel with carbon dioxide...Also I know that each type of Tungsten electrodes have their advantages,But how would you rate them for …
non critical aluminum welds ?
first and most important, i love this place" i spend lots of time reading here and learning,thanks..now i have been interested in ac/dc engine welders …
Repairing Aluminum Castings
I'd love to read/hear/see your take on repairing aluminum castings, such as motorcycle engine or transmission cases. I have a set of old Harley Davidson …
manualy seam welding stainless steel sheet
when seam welding 16ga 304 stainless steel sheets together is it best to leave a gap between the two materials or should they be kept tight together.
post flow settings
how do you set the post flow on a miller sycrowave 180 ?
see page 18 of this pdf.
its a little too …
TIG Welding in Stainless Steel Pipes for Potable Water Distribution Systems
Using a TIG Welding procedure in Stainless Steel Pipes for Potable Water Distribution Systems(for instance, a home or a hotel)is it obligatory to make …
aluminum gets black and wont pull in the rod
how do i fix the problem of the aluminum getting blackened and when i go to add filler it pushes it away. i just cant seem to get the aluminum to puddle.i …
wierd color on 304ss sch40?
Hi How are you,
Im fairly new to tig, ive been crafting turbo manifolds, im getting great color and beads on my runners back gassed and all with 308 …
pulse tig 6g stainless steel
how do i pulse tig 6g stainless steel?
I dont have enough info here to give an answer.
need …
Do not know ???
I am a new at Tig Welding aluminum, need advice on setting welder up a miller using 30 argon 50 helium. Not sure where all the knobs are to be set when …
about to enter a furnace and repair tubes using tig on 9 chrome
haven't done it in years so i need a little mind refresher...keyhole,dip, wash the root in,fairly wide gap,feed rod from side gap on the overhead,lots …
Is there a common rule of thumb about how many inches per minute of aluminum welding can be performed vs. CRS or Hot Rolled? It should be assumed that …
What is the min. and max. thickness this welder can accomplish?
On most common metals...........Like what is the max thickness it could weld aluminum? …
Aluminum Bronze Filler Rod
Where can I find a source for Aluminum Bronze filler rod. I already have some silicon bronze - but I think after reading your response about welding thin …
Casting 17-4ph ams 5355 welding to 1018crs with a 41 RC
This question has been lurking in a few buddys and my head for awhile, is it ok to weld crs with a ss rod? From what we seen it works really well but is …
ER312 ON 4130 TUBING
I am going to be tig welding a lot of .035 4130 tubing. A lot of the "big guns" are using either ER70-S2 or ER312. Both are getting very good results. …
Miller Spool Mate 200 on Dialarc HF TIG
I would like to transform the TIG into a wirefeed MIG for steel and possibly aluminum, is that possible by using the Miller Spool Mate 200? I think I …
What causes "sugaring" when TIG welding?
I'm going to take a stainless TIG test, I took one a few years ago and busted test. All the I was told was I didn't pass because of sugaring. I thought …
Lens recommendation
Jody: What is the min lens considered safe for Tig. I use a HF auto dark helmet on 12 and seems too dark. Doug
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Pipe root
I got another question. I started tig pipe Tuesday and need a better way to do a root pass. I usually run it with Thoriated tungsten but i switched to …
Aluminum Tig Welding Project - Tote Tray
What did you cut the diamond plate with? Have a link to the machine or similar one?
A shear.
Everlast Power Tig 250EX vs Miller Diversion 165
I am trying to determine what impact running a 60Hz certified tig on 50Hz power input would have on the components and/or welding quality.
I am living …
sizing materials
one more question, what size filler wire should i use to weld 2"sch 40 stainless pipe? what size tungsten?
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2" stainless pipe weld test 6g
i recently took a weld test on 2" sch 40 stainless pipe in the 6g position and failed. i haven't done a lot of stainless welding. i used 3/32 tungsten …
Water cooler.
I own a Lincoln Square Wave Tig 175 Pro and looking to convert it to water cooled. What would you recommend? I have been looking at this page: http://www.arc-zone.com/ind …
Water cooler.
I own a Lincoln Square Wave Tig 175 Pro and looking to convert it to water cooled. What would you recommend? I have been looking at this page: http://www.arc-zone.com/ind …
porosity in steel.
I welded some 1/4 wall 2x2 steel tubing and noticed some porosity . 195 amps ,3/32/ rod 702s2 1/8 thor electrode. 7 lpm.??
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stick / tig welder
i was just wondering if u heard of a brand of stick tig welder combo 140amps i had it a wile ago it was very small blue, portable with no handles, it had …
root problems on alum. pipe
we are testing out for a.p.i and they require us to pass a 6061 alum pipe test.. we've tried every land and gap and can't get it in.. we are purging …
Im not struggling with my tig root pass but i know it can be better I've tried a bunch of different things and what works best is to go really really …
welding 4130 1 5/8 x 0.83 tubing
I have a Precision Tig 225 and will be welding a rear frame section for my fat tired street car project. Will ER80SD2 1/16 diameter work and can I set …
miller legend aluminum tig
Ive been learning to tig aluminum and doing alright with a machine at school with a foot pedal and ac balance and all that stuff but i was wondering if …
so so hot!
I am a beginner tig welder and when i am running my practice beads sometimes right in the middle my hand gets so hot i have to terminate the weld.
309 wire and carbon steel
i'm practicing for state competition, and i miss read the wire type.
Thought it was ER70S6 wire, which i use frequently. But in all actuality i was …
Scratch start TIG
I have never TIG welded before but have been Stick and MIG welding for many years.
How do you set up a scratch start TIG? Electrode Positive or Negative? …
tig weld 1/8"rods together for sculpture models
i have to fab ss sculpture models for proposals. have thermal arc 185 gtws inverter... suggestions on set up for welding light gage ss and rods usually …
welding problems
i am welding steel pipe with 250 miller tig.
the weld is getting air bubbles in it i have adjusted my gas flow and it still does it ...whats my problem? …
do you always have to use filler rod
im welding some pilot heads for a burner with 1/16 tungsten and 1/16 filler and #6 cup. 3/32 stainless butt joints the beads are very small an filler makes …
thin wall sockets to 6g...
At my last job i was a pipewelder apprentice (shipyard) and was taught how to stick fillet welds using low hydrogen and 309 stainless steel rods, and was …
Of all your very helpfull info, I have yet to find ANYONES input on gas cup sizing, Im lost.
I have wanted a small tig for quite a while, was going with a Thermal Arc Dragster 85, but never had the cash, well its discontinued and replaced with …
TIG welding
I have been TIG welding in the aerospace field for 23 years. I have always practiced holding the torch no more than 10 degrees back hand. With this walking …
tig welding boiler tubes
I'm in welding school right now and when i get out i have a job lined out for welding boiler tubes.
First off have you ever welded on a boiler tube …
Jody: Thanks , I love the web site. You have a great way of conveying your ideas. I just bought a Everlast power tig 250 ex after watching your "show" …
How to stop the arc?
I know this is maybe a foolish question, but I haven't been able to find an answer. I was trying TIG for the first time,
I was able to strike the arc …
dirty weld mirror when heating aluminum no porosity
Im a student at york county shool of technology we are having problems with our tig welders.
we have multiple tigs welders set up on several bottles …
Cover pass on 8"pipe
HI,I just started my tig welding at school.I am welding 8"pipe in the 1G rotated position.I just started last week and have caught on to walking the cup …
TIG welding to join stailess steel pipes of thickness 0.3mm
I want to weld stainless steel pipe AISI 201 having .3mm thickness. I am trying to TIG weld on it but it makes hole on pipes instead of join. Kindly explain …
Tig welding a cracked frame
We have a cement powder truck trailer with a cracked frame, 1/2" aluminum, about an 8" vertical crack through the frame. Can you give me any tips on preparing …
what to use for cleaning aluminum??
Hi, I work at a metal fab. shop and do alot of tigging aluminum. After it is sheared down to size and punched on a press at times they are very oily, and …
thick aluminum
i have some 2-1/4" aluminum to butt weld. my machine is a miller 350 syncrowave.i would be greatful for any help you can spare
thanks, mike c.
TIG Root suck back...
Today in class I made my root of 3/32" on a 6" carbon steel pipe coupon. I don't have a long piece of pipe, nor do I have the luxury of purging my pipe …
Welder settings (tig)
I have a Thermal Arc Pro Wave 185TSW Tig welder. I am currently welding stainless tubing 1.25 O.D. with .065 wall. What is a good setting for the welder. …
Can`t decide syncrowave 250 dx or dynasty 200 dx
I`m a self employed marine engineer and I do all types of metal fab on the job and as a hobbiest using my millermatic 251.
I don`t have very much …
proper arc.
I just got a chinese inverter 3 in 1 unit.
The first few welds on 4130 worked ok but,now my arc strays off to the side and wont puddle even at high …
Cold Cracking on 304L
I am TIG welding 18g 304L stainless steel(butt weld, argon)with no filler, every time I tack or lay a pass down it cracks back open. A perfect line right …
welding differing stainless alloys together??
For years I thought 316L was the butter of stainless tig welding and was applicable to all stainless tigging.
Wrong! At least I think...
I have …
TIG cert test
Hi, love this site already.
I've got about 4 yrs of MIGing low-alloy and mild steel under my belt, and just started a job with a company TIGing stainless, …
I cann't change welding power is ( high or low ) only
When I change the current selector switch to decrease or increase the welding current , I don't have any effect in welding operation only two stage very …
Which gas for aluminium and s/ssteel
Hi,great site.
I like doing work on my boat and most of the work is s/s or alloy.
Is there a gas I can use to tig both metals.
I already have one …
aluminium butt welds
any information on butt welding LM6 to 1200 aluminium in 8mm thick plate and LM6 to 1200 need to know weld prep ,rods, pre heat etc etc as im struggling …
Scratch Start Tig Welding
I have a Muscle MIG welder made by Snap-On. I recently got the TIG attachments for it so I could give TIG welding a shot. Its a scratch start style. There …
pits at edges of tig welds on carbon steel
When I tig on carbon steel I get little pits or arch marks at the edges of the welds. I am using a miller 250 dx and argon gas. What is the cause of this? …
tig welding chrome molly
what type of filler metal and what polarity is used on a 4130 chromemoly steel tubing airplane frame?
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Corner welding 1/16th aluminum plate
I am a beginner in tig welding, but am decent at just laying a bead on flat plate. I have a Lincoln Precision Tig 225, I am trying to weld 1/16th aluminum …
what gas for rma253
can i use compressed gas with only 90% argon
pure argon is the way to go.
you cant use the same …
Black scale on TIG weld bead...why???
I am learning to TIG weld aluminum with a Miller 180 SD machine. The plate in the picture is 1/4 inch plate, rod is 4043 3/32, electrode is 100% tungsten …
Tig welding question about miller syncrowave 180 settings
Hey Jody, thanks again for your emails with TIG tips, they are great.
Hope you don’t mind a question, since from your website it seems you are …
4140 vs 4130
I work on indy type race cars. Traditionally, the control arms are 4130 and they have to be heat treated when completed. I read an online page for guys …
Tig welding with stick cables attached
I have a syncrowave 350 with about 40 feet of ground cable and 40 feet of stick cable hanging next to the welder. I also have the tig block hooked to the …
When to use a gas lens?
Hi Jody, I have been reading and absorbing everything on your site and it is a great resource. I really like how you get straight to the point and cut …
Hi-Frequency Generator info
I have an opportunity to trade for a Lincoln HFG 250 I believe.
I have dowmloaded the IM for it... it appears to be a "250" which means nothing to …
position and angles for noobs?
im a noob to tig welding and so far i have fallen in love with it but its been giving me a lot of trouble.
i do not know much about angles does anyone …
tips,tricks to weld inconel
i going to take test on 2"sch40 inconel.
i never welded inconel
i use stainles steel,carbon,duplex,copper nickle but no inconel.
so if you …
what is a "wet torch" tig welder
i am purchasing a lincoln idealarc (model number??) and they say it has a "Wet torch".
what does that mean ?
its a older machine with all the …
over 60 and blind
Hey; I am over 60 and I have a hard time seeing my weld joint,
Is there anything that I can do that would help.
I have a 9/13 autodarking helment and …
Miller Settings!!!
Hey Mr Jody
I enjoy your web site as I have learned a LOT!
My Question is I have a Syncrowave 200 Miller and the instruction manual does not cover …
what kind of experience do u need for chrome-moly welding???
Since most chrome moly welding is …
Draw on stainless pipe
I am mig welding on 2.5 ss pipe scd 10 saddling a 2in nipple.
Question is how to keep it from drawing so much? How to build a jig to keep the 2.5 ss …
stainless tube and copper tube gauge 20 to be fused together.
can a stainless tubing be welded to copper tubing using a GTAW tig welding? what amperage? and what kind of filler to be use?what kind of tugsten to be …
tigging copper
I'm an electrician/welder, I've got some copper busbar 1/4"x4". I'm not sure of the amperage that will be put through the bus, its 480v bus. It wont exceed …
Sugaring in a small Oxygen carrying vessel because I forgot to purge
I wasn't thinking when I rushed into creating a small O2 vessel, but forgot to purge before TIGing it. This 3" x 12" container will be a reservoir …
welding 8mm SS316L pipe
Hi, We want to close one end of a 8mm dia pipe, 1mm thick, SS316L to be inserted in car battery acid.
We plugged one end of pipe with a SS316L insert …
90degree fillet welds in 3mm ally
I'm fairly new to welding ally. I'm using square wave AC, about 70% electrode negative, 1.5% Lanthiated 2.4mm electrode ground to a point with a small …
Frequency Control with DC Tig welding machines
ive recently upgraded to a Cebora DC TIG set, the machine has frequency control from 0.16 - 250hz. It also has Base current and percentage of base current …
50% Argon/ 50% Helium
Nice website!
Anything wrong about using this on anything other than aluminum?
good question. …
Yet another stainless question
Ive already picked up a lot of good information from your site
but i still have two dilemmas... one is a paste flux adequate for shielding the back of …
Cup Size
What factors generally determine the size of the cup to be used?
metal type--for example, titanium …
Settings on TIG Welder
Just want to say thanks again for this great site!
I have learned a TON so far by just reading articles!
One question though, do you have an article …
Welding cert.
I am confused about all the different types of welding test.
I am 24 yrs old and I am a maintenance tech. I am really good at mig, tig, and arc and …
sugar guestion
Im working in a fab shop now welding stainless like 10 12 16 18 GA. Some is food grade I dont have a problem purging with argon. It is when I cant purge …
tig welding aluminum with flux
Is it possible to use flux to break up the aluminum oxide when welding with DC
there has been …
gas blast on start up tig
Hi, why is it the cheaper tig welders blast gas out at a higher rate when starting up after idle time but when stop starting there normal. Regulator is …
304 weld repair
I just welded .065" 304 stainless tank. The purge wasn't complete and ended up with a little "sugar" in one section. Is there any way to repair the section? …
pipe welding monel, set/ up, tecniques, for a pipe test
hi got a tig test for a job start, am an experienced welder , but haven't welded monel , tig/stick cap , on2"pipe, 6g,any tips guys ???,
is it similar …
having trouble where i didnt before
i am a self taught tig welder, and have had pretty good results in the past, but i am trying to build an intake manifold for a customer.
he has supplied …
Can I Tig w/ a Lincoln AC 225
Can I Tig weld carbon Steel with a Lincoln Electric AC 225 welder and if so what Tig torch would I need?
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Stainless steel pipe flange
I need to weld some 10" sch 10 304 pipe to some heavy flanges.
They will be welded on both sides of the flanges. I'm not sure what size tungsten to use, …
cleaning up the stainless steel weld
Howdy. I have the Miller 165 Diversion. I love it, also the inferno auto helmet. No this isn't a testimonial for miller just a little info on my skill …
bubbles when im tig welding
why is it when im tig welding i get bubbles when im starting or in the middle of a run?
contamination …
Stainless weld dirty/grey???
Have enjoyed looking at your web site very much.
Took lessons 5 - 6 years ago when I retired, then bought a used Syncrowave 300.
Haven't …
Question about progression of travel while tig on pipe is in a fixed position.
Hi, I am teaching myself how to tig on pipe (both stainless and carbon steel) and want to know what the proper procedure is to make the weld when in the …
welding 17-4 stainless to 17-4 stainless
I'm building a z-bar for my car, the arms are 1/4" thick and the tube is 1" od with a .125 wall thickness. I was wondering what rod I should use,(309,312,316etc.), …
suck back on root pass of tig weld
what is the trick to crown the bottom of an open butt tig pipe weld? I have no problem getting an excellent root but flat is the best crown I can attain. …
Tig welding with silicone bronze
I need to repair a English vintage race car chassis.It has been brazed together.I want to make the new welds look like the existing welds.Can I do it with …
weldability of gold
what welding processes are use to weld gold?
jody here from weldingtipsandtricks.com
pulse yag laser …
solar flux?
I really love the site. Thanks for all the wonderful and helpful info. I have been welding for about 15 years and I am still learning new things all the …
Tig welding in the 6G position pictures and help!!
Hello I'm trying to get ready for a G6 tig welding tset on 28mm dia pipe 5.5mm thickness and I'm really struggling I've not been shown how to really do …
chrome moly welding
I was just curious if discoloration when welding chome moly is oxidation issues like when welding stainless or titanium?
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porosity in aluminum weld
porosity in aluminum weld,
This is on a tube with flanges and is being tested for leaks with helium. No visible porosity on the surface of the weld, none …
getting the cap run right
on carbon steel - how do you get the ripple effect? I tend to move side to side with a slight forwards motion with mixed results. I need to improve my …
mechanical & microhardness properties of AISI 316L.
SIR, i m doing my project on welding of ss 316L by tig. the joints obtained giving good mechanical properties on higher heat input i.e on 110 amp. as compare …
high frequency weak
I have an old miller 330Ab. The high freq. doesnt want to start well even if I turn it up. Anyone have ideas about whats wrong?
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Perplexing Problem
First, thanks for such a great site! I just purchased a Miller 165 and learning fast.
I was doing some practice welds on joining 2 - 1"x 3" x 1/16th …
"Mild Steel to Chromoly"
Can you weld 4130 chromoly to Mild Steel ? If so will the strength be the same, or will it be different because of dissimilarity in the metal ?
I …
how many amps?
if i am welding a piece of angle iron to a bit of 1/4' pipe how many amps do need every time i go to weld it its either too hot or too cold
cheers:) …
stainless tig root problems
Hi, i'm welding stainless pipe and i'm having trouble making the root pass stand out. i'm getting alot of suck back and every once in a while i have a …
welder qualifications
If you are qualified to weld 2" sch. 80. what procedure do you need for socket weld sch. 160 stainless?
Aluminum boat repair
Hi out there.
Got this Starcraft Alum boat cheap, a couple of pinholes in it so I figured try the HTS-2000 rod. It was about $80 bucks for 1 lb.
Inside corner welds
Can you point me in the direction where I find info on how to properly perform inside welds on aluminum tube? For instance, I need to weld aluminum …
Gianttech Combo Welder
Have you ever used the Gianttech combo units? I have one that I use as a plasma cutter but it also has a TIG torch. Different technology than what I am …
safety on using tig welding devices
I'm just new in using tig. I want to know some healthy tips to avoid defects(physical) do's and don'ts after doing tig welding. Thank you and god speed. …
tig welding end caps and joint on stainless steel foot rails
Are there any tricks or what is the technique for welding end caps and angle joints onto 1/2" Stainless steel foot rail tubs.
Nuclear Plants
My name is Al Lovins, I think I have worked with you at Plant Vogtle at which time I was an inspector with Pullman Power Products. Are you the same …
duty cycle on an HTP invertig 201
What is the effect on the duty cycle setting on the above tig?
The manual doesn't explain it, only how to set it.
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silicone bronze welding
good day Jody.my question to you is,when welding on electro galvanised material,1.0 or 1.2 and 1.6mm thick,with mig or tig weld applications,what gas is …
Erratic, Noisy arc when trying to TIG aluminum
I am new to TIG welding and I seem to have a problem when it comes to starting and maintaining a proper arc on aluminum. The arc is VERY erratic …
Stainless 304 welding 16 ga
Hi Jody,
Have a borrowed a V205, owner is no help(he hasn't used it yet). Bought the Kobalt $130 helmet seems very good. The tank says Argon gas but …
no filler rod
I'm currently doing some tig. welding on stainless steel using 1/8 and 3/16 in. thick sheets; basically small "boxes" on larger ones. Do you have any …
miller diversion torch
why does my torch sometimes not stop arc when i lift my finger
I am not really sure. A miller diversion you say? …
TIG Welding on a car
Most cars are quite electronic with a computer, etc.. I want to weld a hindge back on to the driver side door of a Jeep Cherokee. Do I need to disconnect …
Welding end caps on a Aluminum pipe?
How would i weld end caps on a aluminum pipe? The pipe needs to be completely sealed. Everytime I get down to the last spot to weld, the weld will not …
Canox 250 ac/dc wedler - is it possible to attach a tig?
Hello, my name is Glenn.
I have a Canox 250 AC/DC welder. I am looking to attach a tig to it.
Can this even be done? Will I need …
Your response to a general question concerning GiantTech’s CT520D
In you response to a question above concerning your thoughts on a GiantTech CT520D you did our company a great disservice by lumping us together with all …
why is a larger orifice cup more beneficial for welding stainless steel?
Define cup walking?
Define high frequency start?
Define continuous high …
numbers for welding
Q...what are the numbers designated for the horizontal and vertical positions?
A...2f is horizontal fillet, 2g is horizontal groove
3f is vertical …
Setting up a tig
to weld mild steel or chrome moly do i use AC or DC.
DC electrode neg.
What Helmet Lens for Tig Welding
Hi Mr Welder
I am in Singapore on the other side of the globe and I love your website. Superb......!
My Question is what Lens should I be using …
Heat exchanger pipe welding
I am an experienced welder but recently ran onto a couple of new things to me.
A heat exchanger pipe from a local dive boat. I cleaned off …
Enclosed Car Hauler
I thoroughly appreciate your web site. I have learned a great deal from you. I am considering building an enclosed car carrier (aluminum). What alloy or …
tungsten length
why might you want to stick your tungsten out more for a fillet joint
For T joints, in order to penetrate …
Tig welding brass
Hi Jody
Do you have any videos or tutorials on welding techniques for welding/brazing brass using the tig process.
Tony, …
how long do I backpurge a pipe to get 0 % oxygen in the pipe?
We are welding titanium and need to make sure the back purge gas has completely filled the vessel before we strike an arc. We have purchased an oxygen …
tig cast iron with cast iron rod
Hi jody great site.
Im repairing front tractor hubs,wheel studs torn out bit of a mess.
I've had experience in industry with braising cast iron,but …
Dynasty -power supply
Hi there.
I am a TIG welder by trade. Looking to start a small business ,and I thought I would get a truck rigged up for some portable welding as my …
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