

by Walt Oglesby
(Hahira, Georgia)

Im not struggling with my tig root pass but i know it can be better I've tried a bunch of different things and what works best is to go really really slow on about 100 with gas on 20.

My questions is how much "back bone" am i suppose to have on the underside of my weld.

My cap and root are very nice but there both flush with the metal. The worst part is that i can't get a straight answer about this.

I've been in college for about 15 months now just finished my tig 1 witch is a butt, lap, and tee in every position.

I'm taking tig pipe next quarter is there any tricks to that ?

Thanks sorry for the long message.


Flush or better satisfies some codes but the problem is the way people and inspectors interpret the codes. Most want a little reenforcement on front and back. especially for bend tests....so that you can grind off the excess and never have to grind below flush to smooth out the weld.

For tig pipe welding, the tough part on the root pass is getting the bottom 6 o clock position to poke thru like the top

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