Simple Settings for TIG Welding Steel

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Settings for TIG welding steel differ from one machine to another but once you understand what each knob or setting does, It is pretty easy to set any TIG welder for Steel.

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The very first thing to do is make sure the TIG torch is plugged into the right port....or connected to the correct block.

This will almost always be the Electrode Negative connection but read your manual to be sure.

Newer TIG welders will typically have a TIG torch icon next to the correct plug.

After that, you are going to set the machine to DC electrode negative. (DCEN)

Turn the pulser off and if you are using a foot pedal, select 2t on the 2t 4t switch.

Set pre flow to around .5 seconds and post flow to around 5-10 seconds.

a #7 cup is pretty good for steel and will work well with around 14-21 CFH of argon flow rate.

Using a tungsten that has been sharpened to around 30 degree taper, extend it past the cup no more than 7/16" and you are ready to weld.

Tungsten type can be 2% lanthanated, 2% ceriated, 2% thoriated, E3, or CK LaYZr... all of these will work fine for carbon steel.

For mild steel, either ER70S-2 or ER70S-6 will work fine.

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