TIG Welding Videos...The best collection of Tig Vids on the net

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Tig welding with a Stubby Gas lens on Stainless Steel

carbon steel fillet welds

The video above shows arc shots and tig welding techniques for fillet welds on outside corner, lap and tee joints.

I used a Furick 8 pro for the first part of the video and then switched to a Furick Ceramic 12 ...both are in stock in weldmonger.com

Aluminum bike frame tig welding

The video above shows Mike Zanconato tig welding an aluminum bike frame. At the end of the video Mike explains independent polarity settings available by using the miller dynasty 280 expansion card. ( also known as amplitude settings)

tig welding coped tubes

The video above shows tig welding coped tubing using er70s6 as well as er309 stainless filler wire.  I used a Furick #12 clear cup so that you can see the arc better

tig welding titanium

the above video shows tig welding a titanium test plate in a test fixture with argon purge on the back side. I used a furick BBW ...in stock at weldmonger.com

tig welding steel and black oxide coating process

aluminum intake manifold project part 1

aluminum intake project part 2

aluminum intake part 3

er70s2 vs er70s6

scratch start tig tips

welding distortion tips

309 tig rod for stainless to high strength steel

making a tig rod rack, pulse settings, and a homemade tool using a cheap screwdriver

walking the cup on stainless

TIG welding thick aluminum on DC with helium

Welding a Thin Aluminum outside corner in .040" (1mm)

tack welding thin aluminum

Tigging an Aluminum Tee ...click for full article

Cold rolled lap joint..click for full article

Welding aluminum with the Lincoln Tig 175

gravy tig job part 2

pulse tig gravy job

Welding Art Batman

Tig Welding Aluminum Tee 2f

Tips for 11ga cold rolled steel laps

Open butt root pass techniques

Tig technique Pulsing with Foot pedal

Tig Welding/Brazing with silicon bronze filler rod

Tig welding basics part 5 -torch switch 2t and 4t settings

Socket weld bookends

Tig welding basics part 4

TIG Torches

tig basics part 3

tig basics part 2

TIG BASics part 1

walking the cup on a 2 inch schedule 80 6g welding test

Scratch Start Tig tips for avoiding craters

tips for welding thin metal with a 3/32" tungsten

tig welding stainless holes with a welding spoon

Tig Welding Cast Iron to 409 stainless

tig welding stainless steel with a stubby gas lens kit


scroll down for more tig welding videos

tig weld stainless tubing and tips for how to purge.

tig weld 1045 steel to 4140 using inconel 82 rod to tig weld 1045 steel to 4140 steel
Old School Scratch Start with a Twist Scratch start tig welders are still being used all the time. A DC stick welder, tig torch, bottle of argon, and flowmeter is all you need.
HTP Tig welder settings This video shows the affects of AC frequency adjustments and practical application of settings

tig welding techniques like walking the cup this video shows tig welding techniques like walking the cup vs not along with lay wire and dip techniques. Also a shameless plug for the tig finger

tig welding video about making a belt guard for an air compressor outside corner joints and twisting up mig wire to tig weld cold rolled steel.
tig welding aluminum using an htp invertig 221 welding an aluminum valve cover as well as some really thick 6061 t6 bars stock

welding a bike frame using er70s-2 and weldmold 880 rod welding the bike frame. Fixturing on the Stronghand Tools Build Pro precision welding table.

tig  video on welding tubing..thin stuff tig welding thin wall tubing used for custom bike frames using high speed pulse settings...the rule of 33, and a tungsten grinder. also comparison between er70s-2 and weldmold 880 tig welding filler rods.
tig welding high strength steel parts using the "Big white tig cup" TM to weld high strength steel parts
socket welds fit up and weld video socket welds used for making a chin up bar. 1 inch schedule 40 pipe and socket weld fittings tig welded. tig welding aluminum 3F tee vertical uphill tips for welding a 3F position TEE joint using 11 ga 6061 t6

tig welding repair and tips for identifying metals tig welding repair on a C clamp. Some would think this C-clamp was cast iron. Here is a down & Dirty test to tell if its cast iron
Tig welding a seat for a shop stool using pulse outside corner and lap joints using pulse tig and the rule of 33
tig welder comparison tips for using lift arc tig welders. A scrap piece of copper helps a lot
tig welding 9 random tasks welding build up on aluminum, razor blades, stainless handles to carbon steel nuts, boat prop repair and more
stainless steel weld repair job weld repair on a mis machined stainless shaft
tig welding an aluminum boat prop oct 2, 2012 weld repair on a blade of an aluminum boat prop using a tig inverter

tig welding quick job short video shows tig welding carbon steel to stainless using 309 tig wire. also shows tack welding technique
multi pass tig weld on thick stainless steel Video shows multiple passes walking the cup as well as using a tig finger

DIY bronze hammer welding project
a cheap and useful welding project that makes for a bronze face heavy hammer for tapping on finished surfaces you dont want to ding up.

tig welding lap joints this one shows lap joints on 11 ga cold rolled steel, 4140 multi pass, and also welding a bearing sleeve
tig finger in action on pipe etc.
pipe welding test
part 3... this link will take you to part 3 of a 3 part series on tips for taking a pipe welding test on a 2" schedule 80 6g test.

a review of root and hot pass and then...stick cover pass

6g 2 inch schedule 80 welding certification hot pass

this video shows tips for the hot pass in 2 inch schedule 80 pipe done in 6g position.

also, a review of amperage used for the root pass....and a review of reasons to buy a tig finger
6g 2 inch schedule 80 welding certification root pass tips for the root pass in 2 inch schedule 80 pipe. lay wire welding technique as well as dip and keyhole technique.

A 6g pipe test is pretty hard. You could use some tips.
Remove a Broken bolt from exhaust manifold a tig welder with a foot pedal and some 309 stainless tig wire and you are in business to remove a broken stud

All Purpose Water Cooled Tig Torch video Watch all the Tig Welding Videos you can stand right here.

tig video showing technique on root pass with a tig finger

tig video showing settings comparison using 3 tig inverters a tig welding video with arc shots

aluminum tig welding and ac balance settings

tig welding 4130 chromoly tips
how to tig weld steel corner joints

welding aluminum laps and tees with tig
tig welding aluminum parts

Aluminum Butt Weld

tig welding techniques for stainless
cast aluminum welding tips

tig welding carbon steel with 309 tig rod

tig welding stainless steel parts

Tig welding steel parts on a stronghand welding table

Aluminum Welding Practice A great way to get plenty of aluminum welding practice

Do the aluminum drill

tig welder demo Miller Diversion vs Everlast 185 micro tig welder comparison video

welding 4140 is a lot like welding 4130 which is a lot like welding steel... carbon content is the main difference..
how to tig weld overhead video

tig welding overhead is mostly a matter of figuring out how to be comfortable and how to hold the torch.

tig welding techniques and welding magnesium

magnesium castings can be repaired using tig welding... the same techniques used for aluminum work with some tweaks...

Walking the cup vs not... tig welding video

Walking the cup for Tig welding works good sometimes. Especially on pipe larger than 2 inches dia... other techniques can be just as good....
Aluminum Properties and how to weld There are a few things you need to know about all aluminum welding ... aluminum is hot short..that means it cracks easily at certain temperature ranges. That is why tack welds done with no filler dont work.

Welding Stainless to Carbon using hastelloy W tig rod

Hastelloy W works for all kinds of different steels. But it is very expensive. ...312 stainless is almost as good for when you are not sure of the steel you are welding.

metals and how to weld nickel

nickel alloys like inonel, hastelloy, nichrome V, and waspalloy do not need as much heat and have a sluggish puddle.

properties of stainless and how to purge ...one of the properties of stainless is that it will sugar if not purged on the back side and that looks like Fido's ass. This short video on the oxidation properties of stainless shows how to purge and weld.
properties of stainless and how to weld it tig welding video on the properties of stainless steels...best practices for welding stainless to keep it from rusting

metals and how to weld them properties of metals

welding certification test practice practicing for a welding certification test...part 2

tig welding test tips for tig welding practice

tig welding techniques tips for tig welding lap joints and butt joints

tig welding razor blades tips for welding razor blades and why you should sharpen your tungsten like a freaking needle

tig welding techniques for pipe welding root pass and fill passes without walking the cup. weldtec tig torch ..a small water cooled torch

rated at 320 amps... thats what i said...320 amps
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