Plasma Cutting Project - Down Draft Table


If you missed part 1 on building a downdraft plasma cutting table click here

...This weeks video is part 2 of what should wind up being a 3 or 4 part series on building a cutting table that will hook up to a Miller Fume Extractor.

Not a CNC plasma table... Just a very handy table that will make it easier to breathe when using a plasma cutter, stick welder, or even a grinder.

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Last week, I framed up the box using a 3 axis clamp from StrongHand Tools.

Then I laid out the funnel...the upside down vent hood...that will direct sparks, dust, small metal drops, etc. into the pan that slides out for dumping.

This week we are: making the dump pan, cutting the opening for the dump pan, framing up the slide runners for the dump pan, welding on the sheet metal skin and castors on the bottom, and welding in the flat bar slats...along with a few other things.

After cutting the opening for the dump pan and boxing it in with angle to stiffen it up, it was time to weld on the bottom and castors.

I cut holes on the sheet for plug welds so that I could line up the castors and weld them by building up the plug welds I just made right in the bolt holes of the castors. I know there will be a lot of comments about me welding the castors but the last one I made, in 1990, still has the same castors on it so I reckon being able to change them by unbolting is not a factor for me. Besides, if I need to put on some new castors on this plasma cutting table, I can probably do it quicker by cutting and re welding anyway.

The dump pan will get pretty heavy at times when (not if but when) I forget to empty it before it gets full.

So I welded a piece of 3/4" tubing for a handle so that I can use both hands for dumping the cutting debris into the scrap hopper. It does not slide as easily as I hoped but I did not want to go to the expense and effort to use teflon strips ...and with all the sparks, I figured a roller carriage would just get all mucked up.

Also, I plug welded the front cover for the dump tray and welded a 3/8" round stock bent handle.

I did have to trim half the leg off that backwards piece of angle iron to make it fit.

Putting the slats in was next.

I want to be able to replace them easily so I used short pieces of 3/8" round stock as guides and when I had them all welded in, the bar stock slats slipped out easily.

So whats next ?

In part 3...

I will build an air box that attaches to the snorkel snout of the Miller Fume extractor and test how well it sucks smoke.

...and....I am also working on making a handle that slides out and doubles as a support for short pieces.

This thing is turning into a land yacht.

see more videos like this plasma cutting project here

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