AC/DC TIG Aluminum Welder  Settings


Dont let all the knobs make you think this welder is complicated because most of the knobs can be set once and ignored when using the foot pedal.

With the foot pedal plugged in, you simply set all the knobs on the first row to zero.

Then the primeweld 225 is a very basic and simple to operate aluminum welder that is easy to switch back and forth from aluminum to steel.

Basic primeweld tig225 settings and what they do

start amps can be left at zero unless you are using a large tungsten with a balled tip

upslope is only needed for the 4t operation with a torch switch.  it controls the amount of time it takes to go from start amperage to main amperage setting on the panel.

main amperage knob. with the foot pedal plugged in and the 2t 4t switch set to 2t, set amperage to about 10-20% more than you might need and just use the foot pedal to control amperage.  A rule of thumb for amperage needed for a particular job is one amp per one thousandths of an inch up to .125".   So 125 amps for 0.125" thickness is pretty close but as you go thicker the rule does not apply closely.

downslope  when the 2t 4t switch is set to 4t and the torch switch is plugged in instead of the foot pedal, the downslope knob controls how long it takes to go from main amperage to end amperage so that amperage tapers off at the end of a weld.

end amps is the final low amperage before the arc terminates.

All of these knobs should be set to zero when using the foot pedal and in 2t mode.

Learn more about this affordable tig welder with bonus kit at

primeweld 225 tig with stuff
primeweld 225 tig with stuff

In my opinion, the primeweld 225 is one of the best choices in affordable tig welders.

The problem with most other really affordable tig welders is usually the foot pedal and the torch are just bad and clunky.

Primeweld went to extra expense to include genuine ck torches with superflex hoses along with a smooth SSC style foot pedal.

They also have a responsive primeweld equipment users group on facebook and also have demonstrated great customer support

Watch some primeweld videos and you will see what I mean.

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Right handed, left handed, long arc, short arc, lots of torch angle, and none, this is the time to try stuff pay attention to what works.

This excercise will keep that filler rod hand busy.


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