Why is my mig gun vibrating?

by Nicholas Beck
(Waupun, WI...USA)

I mig weld for a job... I got a 10ft Tweco whip and a Miller 350 multiproccesor with a Miller wire feeder. When I am spray arcing thick material I will get a random vibration that I can feel with my hands and if I have my foot on the whip i can feel it there. When it does this crap my wire speed slows way down in turn ill get a gorilla weld. What can I do to fix this? Have you ever heard of such a thing?!?


It sounds like its time to replace the liner.

when the liner is creating resistance like that because of build up inside, it messes things up

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Aug 01, 2015
Feeder trip NEW
by: Anonymous

why the wire feeder unit of miiler tripped with new wire spool with 15KG???

Aug 01, 2015

when i welding with the miller bernard MIG gun it gets vibrate why???

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