What would be good proper settings (sheild gas, volts, wire speed) for root, fill and cap on 8" steel pipe, DOWNHILL?

by Boo

What would be good proper settings (shield gas, volts, wire speed) for root, fill and cap on 8" steel pipe, DOWNHILL? (Gotta go downhill in class. Have experimented with different settings, and haven't produced anything up to par yet.)



with a 1/8 gap, and very small land like less than 1/16", about 18 volts with 200-225 ipm using .035 E70s bare wire works.

I have mostly run the root downhill and the rest uphill. but the times I have welded all the way out downhill, I increased the voltage to 19 and the wire just a tad for the fill and cover pass.

using 75/25 ar/co2, about 25 cfh


anyone else want to chime in??


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