what is the proper amps and wire speed for 4g weld test using flux core

what is the proper flux core settings for 4g weld test


I really cant offer a good answer without the spec of the welding wire, thickness of joint, knowing whether its self shielded or dual shield, etc.

but I can say this, you can usually take whatever settings work for a 3g uphill joint, and increase both wire and voltage just a bit...and make it work

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Feb 17, 2012
information NEW
by: travis Hutton

flux core 3g and 4g one inch plate with a backing plate. its welded with .045 wire with 75% argon and 25% CO2. so what would be the proper amps and wire speed for both position. also the weld cap for 3g should just be one weld cap and 4g will have a multipass.

any other suggestions?

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