What is the formula for setting up GMAW ?

by Denys
(Phoenix, AZ)

Does anyone know the formula for setting up a GMAW process, ie; wire speed (in/min) x voltage (V) = amperage (A) or something like that - it's been a long time since I have used it and my memory seems to fail me. I would very much appreciate any help on this, I am a fabricator/welder so you don't need to baby me with basic info. I just can't seem to remember the dang formula !


I dont know if this is what you are looking for but its a stab.

1 amp per thou of thickness up to about .250 ...thicker than that and the 1 amp thing doesnt work

.023" = 3.5 ipm per amp

.030" = 2 ipm per amp

.035" = 1.6 ipm per amp

.045" = 1 ipm per amp


1/8" thick metal = 125 amps

.035" wire used 125 x 1.6 = 200 ipm

then set voltage to somewhere between 17-23 to get bacon sound without stubbing and without burnback.

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