what is better? weaving or straight movent stringers

by justin
(minnedosa, manitoba, canada)

Hi, I work at Odanah Custom Fab. and on one job we weld 3/8 thick wall tube to one inch plate... the plate is a36 and the tube is almost the same stuff... Now i want to know if its better to make a weave bead or to just keep the gun steady. we make a 1/2 inch weld (leg length)...do you also think that too big a weld might cause to severe internal stresses.., we also weld straight...not upward or downward... please give me your thoughts.


1/2" fillet weld is pretty big for one pass but too big to be a problem usually.

some AWS codes limit a single pass weld to 1/2" and not larger but 1/2" is permissible.

provided the machine is set correctly with enough amperage and the arc is kept at the front of the puddle, it might be ok...hard to answer without knowing the exact application.

I have seen some aircraft hydraulic jacks that resemble the description you give..and some of them failed under pressure but the cause was not attributed to the size of the weld.

it sounds like the job you are describing could be easily done on a turntable positioner with a stationary torch .



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Jun 16, 2011
by: justin

its ecually part of the axel assembly of a air seeder wagon.

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