Welding Video...premium content 


I sent out a survey asking you what kind of videos you'd like to see on a premium welding membership site.

The number one topic requested is TIG welding aluminum.

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I'm happy to report that I've been working on some great TIG content, but I haven't been going it alone.

I've enlisted the help of some the top welding talent from the community to not only make TIG videos, but other content based on their specialties and skillsets.

To kick things off, I made this video on TIG Welding Aluminum, including an introduction for three of the TIG instructors contributing to the new site: 

They are some of the best TIG welders I know and their videos are really impressive.

We have also made plenty of other new TIG, MIG, Stick, and Flux Core videos including basic welding videos for every skill level from beginner to advanced.


Check out some samples of their work on Instagram

Roy Crumrine (@crummywelding)

From the first time I met Roy, I was impressed with his attention to detail and ability to explain what he knows to other less experienced welders.

Brad Goodman (@deepsouthdimestacker)

Brad shows us some little known tips he has learned from some of the best in the business.

Along with practical tips for cleaning plasma cut edges, cup size and gas flow rates, advanced settings for aluminum tig welding and much more.

Johannes Ciobanica (@tighappens)

Whether you want to learn more about TIG welding aluminum cylinder heads, aluminum castings, magnesium castings, or Motorsports parts,

Johannes learned to weld on his own and made plenty of mistakes along the way.

He is willing to share what he has learned so you don't have to make the same mistakes.

Did you know?..
There are over 800 videos over at welderskills.com from beginner stick welding to advanced TIG... to down and dirty repair videos on farm equipment...to 6G Pipe  certification test videos.

Whether you are a student working on passing a welding test, hobbyist, or a working welder who wants to sharpen up, I want to encourage you to take the free 7 day test drive and get access to all the courses and over 800 videos.

Get in there and lets all get better together.

Its easy to sign up…and even easier to cancel with no hoops to jump thru.

Invest in yourself,

See you in there.


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