Welding Video Archives

There are 3 things that make the most difference when you are learning to tig weld.

  1. arc length
  2. torch angle
  3. shielding the hot tip of filler wire

2019 DVD 4 disc set is available here

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The "Aluminum drill" is something I recommend to every TIG welder who wants to get better.

I believe it is some of the best tig welding practice you can get

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I make weekly welding videos

I made my first welding video around 2008 and there are now over 600 videos on weldingtipsandtricks.com.  

I try to keep all my videos these days to under 10 minutes.

It takes a bit of effort to condense a day of welding into 10 minutes or less but I know you are just as busy as I am so I work to boil things down to only what is needed.

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