
Welding jobs Worldwide

by Rune maltesen
(Pompano Beach, FL, USA)

Hello all welders,

I represent a US/Finish company LCL Engineering which specializes in outfitting/repair and maintenance for cruise ships. These kinds of jobs generally happen in dry docks on a worldwide basis or during sailing cruises with passengers.

We have quite a few projects coming up here in the end of the year, one of the jobs is in San Francisco starting January 6th, we would of course take care of your travel, lodging (Which will be onboard the cruise), food and not to mention your pay. Please note this is not a full time job but this job may be a spring board to a welding career in a very exiting environment.

If you are interested to try this perhaps rather different type of job, I would be glad if you would forward me your resume and welding certifications.

There are a few things about our working environment that you must know and be very clear about: -
- You must be willing to work with many different nationalities that goes for people that you might not even be able to speak with due to the language barrier. If you speak Spanish it is a major advantage.
- There is extreme pressure during our jobs, 2000+ passenger cruise lines will not wait even 1hour for us to finish, if it happens penalties can be higher than the value of our job. Our normal working hours during projects are 12-13 hours a day but days can be as long as 17+ hours.
- You must know your trade. We work only with professionals, mistakes very rarely happen and are not taken lightly. Most of the time we have only limited amount of extra material as it is not supplied by ourselves in many cases.

To boil it down we work with easy going, happy people, professionals in their field that gets satisfaction from a job well done and the pay that follows.

Rune Maltesen
LCL Engineering USA

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