Now that you took the plunge and bought your tig welding machine, you will need to get a welding gas cylinder.
Probably argon to start with. and maybe some helium later on when you have more cash.
there are 2 main routes to go here.
Owners tanks....or rental tanks
An Owners welding gas cylinder... where you buy the cylinder and then just swap it like a gas grill propane tank when its empty...or
a commercial size rental welding gas cylinder where you dont buy it, its not yours, but you pay a monthly or yearly rental fee.
What is the difference? ....owners cylinders are usually limited in size to around 125 cubic feet. Thats about half of a full size commercial rental tank.
They are also available in smaller sizes like the little 80cf argon helium welding gas bottles.
Owners tanks cost around 175-200 bones and cost anywhere from 15-40 dollars to swap out.
If you dont weld very often owners tanks make good rental fees dinging you every month even when you go 6 months without welding.
but if you weld regularly, and a lot, the rental units make sense. No upfront purchase and refills are usually cheaper per cubic foot of gas.
I sometimes go months without needing a refill on my small 125 cubic ft tanks but I have more than one in case I run out on a weekend and the job has to get done.
exit welding gas cylinders and see more on tig welding