The fact that you are reading this page tells me you are the kind of person that wants to constantly improve your welding skills.
One of the things I like about welding is that there is always something new to learn.....Always.
After working with other welders since 1977 and teaching welders for over 20 years, I have learned a few things about welders and how people learn to weld...
We Welders are a different breed.
We typically learn by watching and by doing. Not just by reading.
When it comes to welding, the best learning often happens just by looking over someones shoulder and then trying it yourself. Especially when the someone showing you is explaining things to you in plain talk.
Video can be even better than looking over someones shoulder.
Because with Video on DVD, you can replay key scenes as many times as you want.
I am guessing that if you are reading this, at least one of the next few statements describes you.
What is the one thing that makes all the difference in a good welding video?
Is it graphics? ripple dissolve transitions in between scenes? A deep radio voice on the narration?
I have purchased a few welding DVD's myself and none of that stuff ever impressed me.
How about clear shots of the welding puddle and arc along with plain talk explaining what is going on? Thats what makes for a good welding video.
I talked with a welding instructor recently who ordered several hundred dollars worth of welding training videos from an educational website.
The videos were horrible...He was so disappointed when he first watched them because of the college professors monotone narration and lousy arc shots. His students hated them too so he put them in a drawer.
You wont have that problem with this Welding DVD.
I am no College Professor.
I am a welder.
I dont use fancy terms, and I hate overly complicated explanations of anything.
But here is what you can expect in this Welding DVD set...
It took 4 DVD discs to fit all these videos.
learn more about how you can order this welding dvd in different combinations