Welding dump truck bin

by Elio Marino
(Candiac, Quebec, Canada)

Hello Jody I just started working at this company that fabricates bins for dump trucks and they need me to weld the sides of the dump truck bin. The side is propped at about 70 degrees on a jig so that it can be squared of and welded. The process I use is a mig with .035 wire and about 27 or 28 volts at about 575 wire speed going down hill. I'm tired of grinding and getting very frustrated but my boss wants me to stay there. The steel we use is Hardox. They want a 3/8" weld. All your videos have helped me in the past so I'm hoping you can come through for me.
The steel is about 5/16" thick. And then there are the stifners that need to be welded which is another ball game all together. I've worked on flat welds mostly and a little horizontal but never downhill but I'm confident I can do this I'm missing the angle and control.
Thatnk you
Elio Marino



have you tried .045" wire?

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Jan 08, 2012
Welding hardox NEW

Yea I know what your talking about with the hardox I used to weld dump beds for a company that put these hardox inserts in the bed, we called them "tipper bodys". Anyway, personally I think it's best to weld these in the flat position, you don't want these things coming "unglued" if you know what I mean. I don't running downhill gets the proper penetration. But regardless if your settings are that high you should be switching out to .045 wire man. That kinda heat with .035 couldn't run very well in my opinion. If the plates are grooved and you want good penetration what I would do with the .035 wire is turn down 22 - 23 volts 350 on the feed give or take you know dial it in. Hope this helps. Peace.

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