welding aluminum with ceramic tape

by MLD
(Jacksonville, FL.)

Is there a certain technique to welding aluminum plate open butt, single v groove with ceramic tape backing?


from jody....

I dont have any experience welding aluminum with ceramic tape.

anyone else out there got anything on this???

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Nov 16, 2013
How to weld aluminum with ceramic NEW
by: juan zamora

first you can do it with 1 pound spoolgun .035 wire 5356 your parameters 23 volts with 300 wfs using mix gas 75% helium 25% argon on a 1/2 inch plate (aluminum 5 thousand series)

Jun 09, 2011
by: Brad

I would like to know any tips on this as well, I have done ss inconel wire and ss flux core wire with the mig and ceramic backup and it came out real nice, xray good, i had a 1/4 root opening with a knife edge weld prep on 1/2 thick plate,

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