A weld test can be as simple as a fillet weld break test or as difficult as a 6g pipe test with a limited access restriction plate.
With weld tests being determined by material type, shape, thickness, positions, and a few other factors, there is a virtual unlimited number of weld tests that could be given
Got a Weld Test in your future?
This page on weld tests links to:
3g and 4g plate tests for structural jobs
6g weld tests for pipe welding certification
Passing a weld test is much like a license to learn.
Especially if you are fresh out of welding school.
When employers need welders badly enough, they are often willing to waive experience requirements provided you can pass the weld test.
If you are inexperienced, this is your opportunity to learn the practical day to day tasks you might not have been taught in welding school.
Welding schools have limited time and resources.
Some welding schools teach fabrication and pipe fitting skills while other schools focus on getting you ready to pass a weld test.