Using the proper angle when welding overhead while the lap joint is curved

by Shamus
(Middletown, De)

Hello, I am working on a job where I am welding a 1/4 inch thick carbon steel lap joint overhead

but the joint is curved up and about 20 feet long. It has to be 100 % seal welded. The beginning

of the curve is 4 feet off the ground and the end is 12 feet of the ground. So as you can tell I am

exposed to some weird gun angles. I am welding with a Miller Regency 250 using the high volt

range of 20V to 30V and the dial set to the number 3. I am also using the spoolamatic 30A with

the gun speed set to 4 which is about 4 feet per minute and a 2 lbs. spool. The shielding gas is

75% argon and 25% CO(2).

First question,

should I weld uphill or downhill?

I have trying both. When I weld uphill with the gun pointing straight at the middle of the joint with

a 45 degree angle up and down and 90 degree angle left to right the weld piles up. The same

when I weld downhill. The only time I can get a flat looking weld is when I weld downhill and

hold the gun straight at the middle of the joint on a 45 degree angle but left to right the gun is

almost at a 30 degree angle pushing the weld. Is the 30 degree angle to much? I can't seem to

found the combination of angles to get a flat looking weld or one that does not piled up. Any

suggestions? I forgot to mention that the power supply being used is a generator.


That sounds like a lot of wire speed if you are using .035" or .045"

I would try trimming the wire speed back a little.

a short stickout too of less than 1/2" from contact tip to arc.

you should be able to pull downhill on that angle of travel if things are set right.

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