uphill flux core help

What are the proper volt-amp-wire speed settings for welding .045 flux core uphill with 75/25 gas? What is the best technique, stringer or weave "U"-"V"-"upside down V"- or "Z" k


for settings, go to this link


as far as technique goes, tracing the front of the puddle works for most things.

anyone else want to weigh in on this??

Hope this helps


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May 22, 2014
welder helper NEW
by: Anonymous

its always better to weld stringers. when you weave it hightens the percentage of trapping slag in the weld.stringerss are sronger welds then a weave pattern.

thanks for asking. my name is salah

Apr 24, 2014
stress releif NEW
by: Anonymous

try pinging your welds wile there still hot to reduce stress?

Oct 15, 2013
lots of stingers on six inch block. 1 1/2 inchweld NEW
by: kirk

Im haven a problem with my welds cracking. Iv tryed heating the block. It does seem like when the block get hot after going around it a few times it does better. But i started useing. 052 wire insted of .045 and it seems like it got way worse. I just dont get it. Been welding for about 5 years now. Still have alot to learn but i can weld really good. Need a good answer . There is a $30,000,000 turbin bolted to my matial.

Oct 15, 2013
lots of stingers on six inch block. 1 1/2 inchweld NEW
by: kirk

Im haven a problem with my welds cracking. Iv tryed heating the block. It does seem like when the block get hot after going around it a few times it does better. But i started useing. 052 wire insted of .045 and it seems like it got way worse. I just dont get it. Been welding for about 5 years now. Still have alot to learn but i can weld really good. Need a good answer . There is a $30,000,000 turbin bolted to my matial.

Jun 23, 2012
Setting your mig welder for uphill vertical flux cored welding and technique NEW
by: Matt D

Typically, If I'm using a welder for the first time on a vertical uphill run with flux .045 I set my machine on 23volts and 200wire speed. You may need to do a few practice runs on test/scrap plates. Then fine tune your settings from there. You'll rarely go lower than 23volts with flux unless you're welding really thin metal. You may need to increase your wire speed from 200 to anywhere in the 210-230 range depending on the age and condition of the machine and drive rollers.

Begin your route weld.For this weld just try to stay in front of the puddle at all times, slowly making a steady "Z" shape with the gun tilted upwards. Just try to connect the 2 side plates together without burning into the thin part of the bevel on the backside. Do this pass slowly and allow the puddle to build in the gap, keep a steady pace going back and forth.

After your route weld, you can begin laying the rest of your filler metal. Clean the route extremely well to insure there is no slag. The filler pass is the most forgiving, but you can also easily destroy it so still be cautious. You'll want to run a little faster than your first pass. You'll want to start in a corner, at the bottom of the plate. With your gun tilted upward begin making a similar "Z" shape but exaggerate your motion greatly, touching at least halfway up the side of the bevel on each side of the plate. You can go further than halfway if you're confident. For this second/third pass you want to make a momentary pause on the sides of the weld and allow the puddle to build; for about a second, then quickly drag the puddle to the other plate. Spend about a second on the sides, and half a second in the middle.

After you have nearly filled the plates in to be flush with the surface of the face of the plates, you'll need to run a cap pass. Check with the person administering your test if they want a large, cosmetic pass; if they require a certain number of beads showing (often referred to as stringers). If you can get away with a large weaved pass (my preference, it is far easier) then work your gun tilted upwards in a position that looks like a figure 8 turned on it's side (sideways 8 motion) until you've reached the top of the plates. Always tie in your corners; it just looks better.

If you cannot use the easy weave for your cap layer, you are required to use stringer beads to cap. These can be simple. Just imagine an imaginary line in the center of your previous filler layer and weld off to one side of the bevel first, then the other side. If you can use a grinder then clean out the gap in between these 2 beads, then fill a bead in the center of the 2 sides for your cap. If you cannot use a grinder I would recommend turning the heat up on your machine about .5-1volts and burn into the gap for your last bead. These final stringers should be applied using an upwards "U" motion on the sides and the upward "Z" motion for the center weld.

Hope this helps; goodluck!

Feb 18, 2010
uphill fluxcore
by: Anonymous

I like to give the gun a 5-10 degree tilt and just follow it up watching that you don't let the slag get in front. It's good to try both methods of stringer and a small weave...just remember fluxcore will show every movement. Good luck!!

Jan 24, 2010
uphill flux core help
by: Williejack

I myself prefer the ;z; method side to side pausing just a little on each side, then a quick whip back to the other side,and of course staying on the leading edge of your puddle.With fluxcore remember your stick-out should be at least a 1/4 longer if not more, than your typical mig wire,this works well for a nice weave,a little practice and you will be puttin"em down with the best of them

Dec 09, 2009
Mig uphill
by: Anonymous

I'd like to add a hint...Keep the gas cup pointed upwards and watch the puddle accumulate as you slowly guide it upwards at a steady speed... Doing "U's" or "V's" is all in preference...Not always needed, unless you have a gap to fill.

Oct 23, 2009
you tube
by: Anonymous

Yeah I will be glad to help with this....go to you tube and watch the man himself....type in uphill mig

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