Tip for polishing stainless

by Lyle's Welding Service
(Back on the farm outside Wash.D.C.)

Ive seen a bunch of stuff for polishing stainless in the sheet metal shop where I worked. Now that ive been on my own the tip for someone starting out working with stainless is "DONT FORGET ABOUT THE BELT SANDER". Ive never seen anything in the shop that had a couple thousand in polishing supplies that was like a belt sander. A belt sander with 180 grit will make about as close to a number 4 "brushed stainless" look as You can get. Buy something from the scrap yard and lay the belt sander on it and vwallah! I know its not much of a tip but on a couple small plates it worked great.I also "tiger striped" a fryer made of 2B. I just used the angle grinder with a soft pad of some sort. If the customer had been more picky, the belt sander would have saved that deal as well. With a simple belt sander and a DC buz box with a tig torch hook up anybody with a little skill can provide hi quality stainless work on small iems. This means YOU!! Back on the farm with grandpas dc buz box!! Of course anything substantial like handrail with some searching You can get a fair price on having it polished, or the seller could polish it and save Youre self a bundle of time. Of course by the time You get to this stage a inverter welder would be nice. Damn, pictures would be great for this post. Im such a technical ape!! Oh Well, Good Luck.

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