stupid steel vs es 70 s (mig welding)

by roy dehaven
(albuquerque NM)

I got a nice manager chair and eventually broke about 3 years later. The break begins where the "collar" is welded with the metal bracket for the bottom seat. I assumed both metals are the same, based off existing weld (in cranny that hard to see). I noted it had two lines of weld beads only one seem to be cracked.

with 75% 25% (C25) gas and es70s-6 wire, so welded them together on the bottom instead of the cranny area..

the weird part... about six months later chair broke again, this time collar-bracket cranny weld completely broke allowing whole collar to come out. I took close look at the welds. My weld did penetrate the collar nicely. but did not penetrate the metal bracket. I looked at the cranny area weld (since it is out, becomes visible), I noticed same thing... the collar had good penetration, but not the bracket!!

Suspecting manufacturer did poor material selections. I called them to spec out the bracket. They do not have the information.. CHINESE made!!!

so back to the issue... is there other recommended wire to try (other than the ES70S-6)?



the wire is most likely not the issue.

i have welding several chairs like the one you describe. some of them even have pot metal parts.

pot metal will not weld to steel no matter what so if that is the problem, its done.

but if it was previously welded, it might just be paint that is keeping the weld from penetrating.

or maybe there is something in the design that keeps one of the parts from being grounded.

good luck

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Jun 19, 2015
here are the findings NEW
by: Allenwood

here are the findings

Jun 01, 2015
stupid steel vs es 70 s (mig welding) NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice knowledge gaining article. This post is really the best on this valuable topic. kantoor almelo

May 16, 2015
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Apr 21, 2015
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Apr 17, 2015
great article NEW
by: Sarah D. West

Great post, just what i was looking for and i am looking forward to reading your other posts soon!
army tank

Nov 12, 2009
welding swivel chairs

this is to roy who had trouble welding his manager's chair: i too ran into the same problem, so i used a gusset to increase the welded area plus i used a stainless steel electrode because i wasn't sure about the composition of the metal.

Oct 28, 2009
interesting thought.
by: Roy

Pot metal consist of alloys that always has base of zinc or cadium. And always melt at lower temperatures than base metal. Reportedly melts less than 500 degrees. So simple torch or mig weld will deform the area due to steel heating. Might not be the pot metal issue.

But the suggestion on grounding and paint is valid reasoning. the mfg's weld area (where snapped off) does not have paint or burn (from paint burning).

I did use my grinder, stripping paint off my selected area that I did weld on. I clamped ground to collar, not the base.

I shall attempt a test weld in few days, by stripping the paint off (two random area) on the base alone and weld for a penetration test.


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