Stick Welding Overhead


You have reached the Best Page on the Internet for "Stick Welding Overhead" Videos

 This first Video shows how important a tight arc is for Stick Welding Overhead with 7018 1/8" as well as 5/32"

see a full web article on overhead with 1/8" 7018 here

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Remember this....

for overhead welding with 7018 1/8"  

Set the amperage hot enough so that the rod wont stick when you hold a tight arc.

Then...hold a tight arc.

rod angle is important too but is more forgiving than arc length.

And if your machine has a function called arc control or Dig, setting it high can help prevent sticking when you are set at the lower end of the amperage range of 5/32" 7018

Stick Welding Overhead with 5/32" 7018 rod...just a little bit more difficult than 1/8"

7018 5/32 overhead yt thumb

see the full article on 5/32" 7018 overhead here

Bigger electrodes are more difficult to control.  A tight arc is even more important with 5/32" 7018 electrodes.

Andrew Cardin Shows lots of restarts while using up rod stubs on this 3 pass fillet weld.

Overhead Tube to Plate 7018 5/32"

see the full page on stick welding overhead tube to plate with 5/32" 7018

Andrew uses one hand to weld around this joint while he steadies himself with the other hand.

Welding a tube to plate joint like this requires lots of body positioning in order to maintain a good rod angle.

4g AWS D1.1 standard plate test

see the full instruction page on this 4g overhead test plate

A standard hire test for structural welding is a 3g and a 4g plate test given together so that the welder is qualified to weld in all positions.

this video shows the 4g overhead plate test along with some tips and techniques for passing the test.

learn from my mistakes over the years.

Open root 6010 overhead practice plate with 5/32" fill and cap

see the video page and full article on overhead stick root with 6010

This is strictly a practice plate working up to pipe welding.

The bottom portion of a pipe is overhead and the same technique used on this practice plate will work for the overhead portion of any pipe joint.

More Overhead Stick Welding Videos to come...

I make welding videos and when I make more Videos about Stick welding overhead, I will post them below to make this page the best overhead stick welding resource on the Web.

I still remember struggling with my overhead when I was in welding school and I hope what I share on this page helps someone get better at welding overhead so that they can get that job , support their family, pass a test, get a raise, and have a better life.

I feel very lucky to have learned a few things and to be able to share a few tips.

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