square tube frame warping after galvanizing

by Thomas


I've MIG welded a few frames up out of 40mm square tubing and sent it out to be galvanized, however each time I get one back, the heat from galvanizing seems to warp it at the welds.

Is there any way to limit or even prevent this from happening?

I dont have an answer for this question.

anyone else want to give it a go?


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Mar 19, 2012
warping after galvanising NEW
by: docavage

Hi Thomas,

I am no expert but the following link is for a UK galv company and they have some PDF help docs on this page - http://www.wedge-galv.co.uk/Galvanizing-Facts.aspx

I am not affiliated to the company in any way so cannot comment on how good the info or company are but they are one of the main galvanisers in our area. It may be worth a look.

One possible help may be to use box with a thicker wall and if possible weld some gussets on, though it may just warp somewhere else. I have also heard some galvanisers are particularly rough with jobs so maybe source another company and see if the same thing happens.

Jan 30, 2012
frame warping NEW
by: thomas

I do always drill plenty of breather holes,
can't have your tubing explode when they dunk it in because of the pressure buildup can you? :P

at the plant the only thing they could tell me was to not use asymmetrical stock (no T, L profiles etc).. only problem with that advice is that my stock is square tubing, which is symmetrical :<

i've tried stitch welding it too, but it ends up doing the same thing again. the only thing I can think of now is either deal with it, or purposefully warp it the wrong way before I send it off..

Jan 30, 2012
warpping galvanizing projects NEW
by: Chico Thomas

I've done three projects this last year that had to be galvanized. The thinner projects were made of 16 gage & they were a special stair tread deal. They warped even with holes drilled in all four corners & I had to pound stand on end, beat, scream, ect to get them right The pipe rail was(commercial) & the guys at the plant had me drill "breather" holes at every corner & at every joint. If you are not drilling breather holes it could be your problem. Like I say the only thing that warped was the 16 the other was 40 1 1/2. Go to the pros ask the people at the plant they know ALL there is to know about galvanizing

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