spool gun wire feed rate

I just set up a A30 spool gun on my millermatic 200.Every thing seems to work ok except the wire speed rate does not change from 0 to 10. The spool gun is used. Could the switch be bad


if you are speaking of the spool gun wire speed knob, then something is definitely bad...
the wire speed knob on the spool gun is very sensitive and even small adjustments will change the wire speed a lot.

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Aug 09, 2013
A30 Spool Gun Feed NEW
by: Matt

I bought an A30 for aluminum welding using my Millermatic 210 and had to buy an adapter cable with like 4-pins. I was told not to expect the feed rate knob at the butt of the A30 spool gun to work because it doesn't work with the adapter cable. Must set feed rate at the face of the machine.

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