single V groove weld joint parameters in 1.2 and 1.6 mm electrod used in fcaw and gmaw

by hardik vyas



please list parameters for the joint pictured for fcaw and gmaw.


Thats a very broad question without thickness of joint, or thickness of metal, or position of weld, direction of travel, etc.

I can offer 2 very good resources for establishing a starting point of weld parameters.

for fcaw, this pdf file is very is lincoln electric guide for fcaw dual shield wires.

the other resource is a weld calculator for bare wire gmaw from miller electric

I dont like to make these links live because they are subject to change without my control but all you need to do is copy and paste in your browser address bar and make sure there are no spaces.

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Oct 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

thank you sir.

when we r welded 10mm thickness plates in single v groove position for 1.2 mm solid electrode wire so which parameter u are sages in this process?

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