Shielding Gas/ Mig & Tig

by Mark
(toledo, ohio)

I have a small Craftsman Mig welder that seems to work really well, I also have a Tig welder coming soon,( i've never Tig welded before) I'd like to avoid having two tanks of gas, is there a Shielding gas that you can use for both? I do mostly automotive/farm work!


jody here from


unfortunately , there is no gas that will work well for both.

pure argon is what you need for the tig, but pure argon with mig only works on really thin metal.
any other mig welding task needs either straight co2 or 75/25 argon/co2

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Sep 21, 2015
Shielding Gas Mig & Tig NEW
by: Misty Mouhis

While I've see a lot of objection about this wire, I've educated to effort through it and buy a term paper now acquire superior results. I'll be switching to hard wire/gas shielded but would similar to obtain away with 1 reservoir for together the tig and mig.

Dec 19, 2009
Why Not one gas mix for TIG & MIG
by: SchoolDaze

Jody, you talk about using Ar He 50/50 mix for aluminum. Why won't this mix, or something similar, work for both processes? He was the original shielding gas for TIG. Hence the name Heliarc. I personally have used straight He as a shielding gas when MIG welding and it worked fine. So why not some sort of a mix for both?
I'm not trying to cause trouble and if there is a good reason I'd like to know. Like the other fella, I'd like to have only one tank to keep track of as well. Thanks.

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