Running on a generator

by augie
(new york)

I have a Lincoln 255 XT power MIG, and a V205T TIG which I want to run off a generator for onsite work. The owner of the welding store told me that running off some generators is bad for the welder. I want to know what to look for in a generator or how to tell if my generator will work? Any information would be helpful.

Thank you


the v205t is designed to be used with a generator.
I have never done it but I remember talking to a Lincoln engineer at a welding expo when they launched it.

The v205t is an inverter but the 255 xt power mig is not.and that is the kicker as far as being able to run well powered by a generator.

the generator power might be a problem with the mig unit.

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Aug 18, 2015
V205T on generator power NEW
by: Taylor

I've been using the V205T for 4 years and love the way it welds for all processes. I have mostly used the machine for tig welding aluminum in the shop connected to line power. I occasionally have had to take it to the field and run it on a trailblazer 302. The first few times I did this I would lose power to the leads and the machine would give an error code of E14 which suggested a voltage problem. I would turn the machine off and back on and it would weld for 20 minutes or so and do it again. Then the problem seemed to go away and I used it with the trailblazer a few times over a couple of years with no problems. Then one day it tripped the breaker on the trailblazer, I turned the machine off and reset the breaker and turned the machine on and it put a VERY heavy load on the trailblazer and tripped the breaker again. So I took it to the shop to try plugging it in to line power to see if the generator was the problem since I have never had any problems with the machine on line power. When I turned it on there was a bang and a ball of fire shot out of the back of the machine!!
It seems to me that the V205T is very picky about its input power. I would suggest before using it on a generator talk to someone who knows a lot about AC power and generator power and maybe check the frequency of the power being produced by the generator to be sure it is the same frequency as it would see when on line power. Given the cost of these machines I would be 100% sure it's ok to use on the generator you plan to use before plugging it in and turning it on. Good Luck!!

Aug 03, 2011
by: Ian

I have run my old mig welder of a couple of differant size generators for quite a number of years & have had no problems at all .
You just have to use a generator that is rated high enough to suit the welder .

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