Question on the copper ground clamp suggestion

by Paul C
(Atlanta, GA)

Dear Sir,
First off, GREAT website! This has been the SINGLE MOST helpful source of info I have EVER found to help me learn to MIG weld!
I HOPE you keep the site up and running for YEARS to come!
Anyhow, I was reading all your ground clamp suggestion threads, but I did not even once see a recommendation on your most recommended brand(s). ????
WTF is up with that Sir? I know you have no problem mentioning other name brands, so I was hoping you could offer up some help on this one?
Thanks so much.
What city/state/area are you located in? I would love to find someone as helpful as you in my home city of Atlanta, GA!
Any chance you are in the South? I haven't looked over your site for this info yet. Too much helpful welding info I have been caught up in!
Thanks again Sir!
Paul C from Atlanta, GA



I like the miller ground clamp that comes on their dynasty 350 but it seems they dont want you to find it on their site...
Stronghand tools sell a really good vise grip type ground clamp..its called a ground hog

you can find it here.

and coincidentally, I am from the ATL area

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Sep 22, 2010
ground clamps?
by: Anonymous

i never gave much thought to my ground clamp before. i make my own from a 18" piece of round stock wrapped around a piece of 2" pipe to make a hook then i weld it onto a eight inch lgth. of 2x3/8th. of flat stock so i can just hook it onto anything i'm working on or tack the flat part if there's nothing to hook it onto.

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