Power Mig 255C Sputters

by Mike

This welder "Sputters" at low amperage while welding 16ga mild steel.
Most of my work with this welder is Ag repair with 3/8ths + steel, and it does well at higher amperage and wire speed.
I recently had a project where I got to use new clean 16 ga. steel. I could not get this welder to make a decent weld to save my life. I have tried everything I can think of to get this to weld at lower amps. And I mean EVERYTHING.
You know what it sounds like when you have a bad ground. Like that but I can start fine, go for 4-5 sec sputter for a bit then take off again.
I've tried new wire.....

I'm about to give up on it and get a blue one, and I bleed red.


have you tried a new liner?

I have had the same issues and a new liner along with tune up aligning the drive rollers helped.

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Jan 03, 2012
The Fix NEW
by: Anonymous

Well I fixed the problem. Boy do I feel Dumb. I had a buddy come over that I trust to help. I started welding and it got better instantly. Hmmm it's working now. He said look at your wire speed. He'd turned it up from 221 to 232. All this time fighting this and fixed in 2 seconds by asking for help. Also another tip from Jody is making my welds better.... a cheater lens.

Thanks Jody for this site........Mike

Dec 13, 2011
255C NEW
by: Mike

Thanks Jim
I'm using the Tweco #2 Setup and have changed liners twice in the last 6mo. I know time doesn't mean a thing. One thing Ive noticed is that if you set the run in to low when the wire speed kicks in it's too fast.(wire pushing)Maybe I always have the wire speed set too fast, and just compensate somehow and it just shows up more at low amperage. Hopefully It's just me doing something, because that's a easy..."Cheap" fix.


Dec 13, 2011
255c NEW
by: jim

I also have the same machine in my shop. I also agree, Go for a liner change and if you are running the stock 250L gun a nice tip is to change out the diffuser, tip, insulator and nozzle to tweco #2. Lets you adjust the stick out better and easier to maintain. I've had my 255c in my shop for 4 years now. I've ran it way past its duty cycle for most of the time i;ve had it and it still impresses me everytime i use it.

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