plate test for shipyard 3g,4g

by todd

i have to take a plate test 3/8 plate bevel both sides no backing with.045 dual shielding wire 71m i believe can you give some advice on wirespeed and voltage im thinking 22-24 voltage and 250 or so on wirespeed am i even close?


I think you are in the ball park...maybe need a bit more wire speed though.

here is a link that might help you..

In case you have not seen this, Its Millers weld calculator for flux core... I use it all the time to get a starting point. Its not meant for out of position welding but it helps for matching voltage to wire speed settings. You just have to find a thickness that corresponds to what voltage you think you need...I have found the wire speeds to always be a tad high because they are intended for production welds in flat and horizontal.

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Mar 02, 2012
really NEW
by: Anonymous

26 volt 450 wire

Oct 05, 2011
4g stick welding video
by: mohammed

can you please send a video how to do 4g stick welding test

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