Overhead MIG V-Groove

I'm having a lot of trouble with this weld.I'm required to run an open root, two filler passes, and 3 caps on 3/8 steel with a 35 degree bevel, 3/32 landing and 3/32 gap.
The biggest problem I'm having is with visibility. I can't see anything after I have my first two filler passes in place. As a result my cap passes look like ass and sometimes I run out of the bevel completely.


Welcome to the dang club...

without a cheater lens, I am scrood glued, tattooed.
if you have any trouble reading small print, or if you find your arms getting too short reading the paper, it might just be time.

if not , is your lens fogging up? with all the rules to wear safety glasses under a welding helmet, sometimes its a real problem.

if neither of these things sounds like you, you are just going to have to find an angle that lets you see...straight on is usually no good, and sideways doesn't usually work either.

just a little bit of angle while welding toward yourself is what most people find works.

also, use a short stickout, and try to maintain a dead nuts 90 degree torch angle in the direction of travel.

i like to run my overhead just about as hot as my flat stuff and rely on force of the strong arc to make the bead lay down.

hope this helps,


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Feb 19, 2010
overhead mig v-groove
by: Williejack

After i lay down my filler pass i like to have roughly 1/16 of a inch below the surface of the bevel, this makes it easier to see where you are going on your cover passes,this method is great for a weave,which might very well be accepted on the test,this will work with stringers also,just lay down the middle stringer first leaving about 1/16 from the sides of your bevel,then lay down your other cap passes wetting in the weld to topside of bevel dont forget to go over to where your wire is at the least to the outside of the bevel line,pause slightly and then quick over to your middle cap pass,this is a timing thing with a little practice,you will have this down.I would ask cwi if you can weave this test,I did this test with 3 passes,root,filler and cap all weave,good luck

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