no arc

by BW Wright
(Star City, AR)

I have a Lincoln Pro 135 wire welder and it will not weld.
I have what I think is a good ground, I cleaned a spot with my grinder and still no arc.

I haven't used it for about 6 mos. and it worked fine last time I used it. Please help. Thanks


I am no help here...anybody got any ideas?


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Apr 21, 2011
Something like this happened to me
by: Mike

In my case, it was solved by eliminating the moisture that had condensed onto the machine's

Mar 27, 2011
by: Charles

i had the same problem on my machine. It hapened rihght after I tried maxing the voltage on something thick. It had triped a breaker. there is a white button behing the machine that resets the breaker. It worked after that. maybe the problem was that you did not respect the duty cycle.

good luck

Jun 24, 2010
twist 'em
by: Allen G

Turn the adjustment knobs back and forth several times until you get fire. Dust or corrosion gets in between the contacts after setting up for awhile.

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