need help with setting for a 1g pipe on roll out

by carlos
(houston tx)

I have a weld test on a 1g pipe on a rollout. The test is a mig root, filler and flux core cap. I would like to know what wire speed, volts and speed of rollout i need for root. Do i need to change the wire speed for filler and cap?


Not having the details of the joint or wire type and dia, I will take stab anyway.

if its .035 er70s3 or 6 wire, about 18 volts usually is ok for root if the bevel is roughly 35 degrees with no land or very small land.

wire speed around 210 ipm

second pass should run about the same.

for the flux core passes you will need to change settings but i really cant speak to that since i dont have the rest of the info.

hope this much helps anyway,


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