my mig machine has voltage and amperage adjustment. How do I set these?

by Eric Canon
(Forest Grove, Or USA)

I have a Miller Pulstar 450. For Mig I have two adjusting dials, one for voltage and one for amps. How do I set each? What is the significance of each? Most mig machines have only voltage.


I checked and it seems this is a pulse the voltage knob might be for background voltage and the amperage is the peak amperage on the pulse wave.

you can copy and paste this in your browser for the owners manual

I have no experience with this machine so I cant really help much...

anyone else got anything?

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Sep 02, 2013
mig and fcaw welding NEW
by: Anonymous

how to set the ampers and volt in capping 10 mm butweld plate 3g position in fcaw and also rooting in mig?

Nov 22, 2011
Miller Pulstar NEW
by: Anonymous

Interesting. It does have pulse in two ranges - 60 and 120 pps. So if you are correct, and if I use the machine without the pulse feature, should I crank the voltage up and adjust the amps as needed? Or should I adjust both to correspond by percentage? Also, I have never welded with pulse. Any insight on when I would use those settings would be appreciated.

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