Miller Suit CCase

by Kevin Moree
(Grove Hill, AL USA)

I neeed to buy a mig rig. Right now I am running a 1965 Red Face Lincoln.

I am strongly considering a Miller Suit Case, now the biggy question is can a buy a aluminum spool gun and make it work with the Miller suit case, I know i will have to remove the wire from the feeder in the suit case and rely soley on the aluminum spool gun.

I found a good by on a miller suitcase at a pawn shop, but am hesitant, I want do a lot of aluminum but it is nice to have, I have had to turn down several jobs.

Cant justify buying high frequency rig.

I have a welding rig truck that I run into all kinds of situations. NO Mig man but will learn, Thanks for your help


I believe the suitcase is strictly a wire feeder and you would still need a power source suited for aluminum welding ...a cv power source for the most versatility.

Miller does make the Millermatic passport plus that is spool gun ready and you could power it from a generator or maybe even your redface welder....not sure.

the passport plus runs off 115v or 230v but you would need 230v to make it useful.

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Dec 23, 2011
Great site Jody!!! NEW
by: Nrk welding

Jody is right. Miller does make a miller "extreme 8vs, or 12vs". You can run these off of almost any power source. The "vs" stands for "voltage sensing" which can be run on a constant current power source. They do make spool guns for them but you cant mig aluminum in the voltage sensing mode. The feeder works on cc by sensing the weld voltage and adjusting the wire feed speed accordingly. So if you try to spray transfer with it, it will just keep jacking up the wire feed speed to maintain a short circuit transfer. Hopefully that helped. I'm a new business owner myself and I am in the same boat as you, finding the machines that are right.

Awesome site Jody! I've learned alot from ur site!

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