Mig welding tip 14 - of the Best 19 Mig Welding Tips ever


Don’t forget that a lot of shelf shielding flux core wires require changing polarity to DCEN. Use DCEP (reverse polarity) for bare wire mig welding.

MIG welding tips and tricks - MIG welding Tip #14

14. Use DCEP (reverse polarity) for bare wire welding.

But don’t forget that a lot of shelf shielding flux core wires require changing polarity to DCEN.

There have been a lot of welders cuss their machine and swear off using flux core wire just because they didn’t read the manufacturers instruction for polarity.

All you have to do is swap the ground and hot wire. Takes about 3 minutes. If you are slow as gramma. 1 minute if not.

Flux core wire runs good if you have the right polarity and enough current. Which brings me to this little tip… Don’t expect to plug your 115v mig welder into a 50 foot drop cord that you use for Christmas lights and get a good weld.

You might as well castrate your welder. If you must use an extension cord, use a Big fat one...the shortest one you can get by with.... And make sure you are plugged into a 20 amp breaker or whatever your owners manual says.
See Mig Welding Tips 1-19 along with Mig Welding Tip Articles

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