Mig Welding Tip #10 of 19...Keep the gun cable as straight as possible when welding, to avoid poor wire feeding

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MIG welding tips and tricks - MIG welding Tip #10

10. Keep the gun cable as straight as possible when welding, to avoid poor wire feeding.

Avoid any kind of kink or sharp turn in the cable. Remember, the mig gun cable is like a spiral wound lawnmower throttle cable, it works best when there are no sharp turns.

Any sharp turn with make it harder for the wire feeder motor to push wire thru it.

If the inside of the cable is dirty from copper and dust deposits, and you get a kink, the wire feeder motor will get pissed at you and make your welds suck.

Meanwhile you will have adjusted the wire feed speed again and again with no lasting results.

Don’t stand on the gun cable while your are welding either.

If you ever run over the cable with a tool box or dolly, and it starts welding wierd, just change the liner and stop wondering what is going wrong.
See Mig Welding Tips 1-19 along with Mig Welding Articles

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