mig welding test

by matthew
(milford pa)

i have been welding for years and am very good at it.

a couple of days ago my place of business gave welding tests and good welders passed and bad welders failed.
i failed to filling up a 1/4 inch root pass.
i didnt get enough penetration...

sometimes i pass... sometimes i fail... but i dont know why i fail..

im using .045" fluxcore wire on 3/8ths steel.

do you have any tips because its the most common test around is there any tips you can give me or is there any videos that will help me? we have to take many tests a year and its important to pass these tests plz help!


first of all , get the wire speed and voltage right.


copy and paste the link above in your browser .

dont select 3/8 thickness though..select 1/4"

millers welding calculator is a good starting place but it is written for flat welding and only lists 1/16" diameter wire for 3/8" plate.

if you click on the 1/4" thickness choice, you will see suggested parameters.

stay on the front of the puddle.

stickout matters a lot too. vary the stickout a little and notice the changes. you may be too close...

flux core sometimes requires a little longer stickout than bare wire mig.

also , lincoln electric has some good reading for flux core settings.

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Aug 14, 2010
by: ian phyn

i recently did an overhead stick weld test with low hydrogen, we were told by the tester that we were to set up our plate to weld the root and fill up then back grind, turn the plate over and cap the other side. my question is were in the real world would you do this ?

Jun 08, 2010
slag you drag
by: Anonymous

while useing flux cored wire remember to drag your weld

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