mig welding sheet metal

Im replacing quarter panels on my car and have been practicing butt welding on the old panels. I have been having problems with burning holes through the metal, I have tried to weld for a second then stop then weld It works to a point and sometimes I get a nice weld but usually I burn a hole in the metal, also I been stitch welding the metal and it is still warping in some places. Any help would be appreciated.


a few tips...
small 115volt mig welders work best for this
use .023" wire
use a little less wire speed than usual

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Oct 13, 2013
mig welding thin sheet metal NEW
by: Anonymous

I am also welding thin sheet metal. Mine is my Firewall though and there is absolutely zero room for error. I am using a Harbor Freight MIG 170, and I've been told by a few others that have used the same machine on same project to turn amp down and speed up. What I'm doing exactly is patching the harness holes in the firewall so that I can re drill them out for the new RHD brake MC and Clutch MC holes. So its obviously important to get it right. Also they are Circles and not straight lines, so warpage is the other main concern behind Blow through. Is multiple tac welds an option? What should I do?
Thank you,


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