mig welding aluminum

by tom
(phila,pa,usa )

1. Is it worth it to try to weld aluminum with a mig?
2. If it is will a 110 amp 240 v mig do the job?


I would not attempt to mig weld the following aluminum applications:

Thinner than 1/8"

injection mold repair

oil soaked or dirty aluminum

also, for anything thicker than 1/8" you will need a 230v mig machine.

good luck,

anyone else got any opinions?

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Mar 21, 2013
Lincoln 180 C for Al NEW
by: Dan Rohe

I have the spool gun for my Lincoln 180 C and want to weld Al boats up to 1/8 inch. I have had no luck learning to weld Al with this set up. I get burn back and have followed the directions inside the side cover for welding Al. I have converted my maching for Al and I can not get a weld worth a darn. I have use the 350 MP in Lincoln's school and it is a dream to used on Al. Is the 180 C and spool gun just inadiquate for Al? Thanks

Mar 10, 2012
Aluminum NEW
by: Troublemanbilly

I mig aluminum boats with a Lincoln 180 240v with a gun and with a little practice and really good cleaning it works great

Jan 30, 2012
mig NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks jody ,you the man

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