Mig welder in Guatemala

by Clark
(Panajachel Guatemala)

Using for first time 120 v Mig wire feed with flux core wire. Any suggestions for welding 1/16 square tube without burning through or only a surface weld?

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Mar 09, 2010
Help with 110/120 flux core wire welder
by: Anonymous

Amperage (power) setting will determine how deep the weld will penetrate. Too light and the weld will pop off, too high and the welding wire will penetrate through the metal as you are welding it.

Also, the speed at which you move the wire along (the arc) will determine how far it penetrates the metal.

If you are penetrating, try moving the gun faster (not wire speed, the speed at which you move the gun...) and/or lower the amperage (power setting),

Another dynamic is wire speed. If you have the "proper" amp setting and your gun speed (how fast it moves along the workpiece, NOT the wire feed speed), you may need to increase the wire feed speed to keep up with providing enough material to fill the weld.

Hope this helps!

Nov 13, 2009
slow and steady
by: Justin

push the puddle about 3/4" at a time and then let the puddle cool to a bright orange start back 1/4" from where you ended and lay down another 3/4" and stop. there should be about 1 - 1.5 seconds between each push repeat until you finish the pass

Oct 19, 2009
by: Anonymous

lay your gun down at a sharp angle...and slowly spot it

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