mig weld beads

by cliff lennox

just wondering what size my stringers should be example:
1/2 setting on my machine - should the bead size be 1/2?


bead width depends on lots of things for different applications.

for code work on structural steel and pipe, there are sometimes specific limitations usually based on engineer data or even opinion. sometimes the max width is 1/2"

for sheet metal work, about 4-5 times the metal thickness is a good rule of thumb

for general fab work, you will be guided by the metal thickness again. for example if you are welding a lap joint in 3/16 thick angle iron, your leg size is going to be 3/16 because thats as far as you can go,

for really thick stuff that requires multipass beads, about 1/2" max is as good a guideline as any.


anyone else got an opinion on this one?


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Nov 21, 2012
Weld bead size for gmaw welding NEW
by: William Ashens

I've been welding for quite a few years, I have been teaching a welding course . I would like to know if there is a rule of thumb on the width of bead in relation to the size of wire your welding?
Thank you

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