Mig Tech question

What is the technical reason for not being able to weld thick metal with a mig?


Here is the reason.

There are 2 types of MIG welding used frequently.

short circuit mig, and spray.

a 3rd type is called globular and almost no one uses it.

the type you are probably referring to is called short circuit mig...also called short arc.

It is the type of mig welding used for general fab work for everything from auto body panels to chassis work and also for general fabrication.

Its a great process and is very versatile but is not used much for structural work like bridges , buildings, and ships, because it is way more likely to have cold lap than stick, flux core, or spray transfer mig.

That brings me to the second type of mig that is used frequently...spray transfer also known as spray arc.

spray transfer requires different gas than short circuit and it much hotter and less likely to cold lap.

There were a few instances of weld failures back in the day that caused welding engineers to impose additional and strict testing requirements on short circuit mig welding.

Thats the reason.

It is not that it wont work, its just that in the hands of the wrong welder, welds can easily have cold lap and fail....even though the welds look fine.

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Jul 24, 2015
Welding Plate 2.5 mm NEW
by: Larusi

Please advice to weld low carbon steel plate thickness 2.5 mm.


Apr 16, 2014
weldingi NEW
by: Anonymous

i can tig weld and make nice dimes welding aluminum how do i do that with a wire feed ?

Apr 16, 2014
weldingi NEW
by: Anonymous

i can tig weld and make nice dimes welding aluminum how do i do that with a wire feed ?

Jan 12, 2012
Reply NEW
by: Steve

For mig welding heavy sections of material, dual shield and flux core work out standing. Much faster then stick welding. It more or less just depends on the situation to use stick or mig. Also spray arc for hard wire mig works great but only in flat position. Great site Jody!

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