Mig Stainless Steel Settings

by Sal

I'm practicing welding stainless steel panels 16 ga with .030" 308 wire. When I'm tuning in the settings its strange. It's a slow short circuit transfer. the wire pops like I have a bad ground. So if I turn up the voltage it is too hot it burns through no matter how fast you move. I thought maybe the wire was too thick and I tried .025 but the same thing. Is it possible when your welding thinner stainless that that is just the way the weld sounds slow and poppy. I can lay nice welds with the welder set like that but it just sounds like the short circuit transfer is slow per second. It doesn't have a crisp sound. At faster wire speeds it stubs in the puddle and still sounds poppy. It's a power mig 215 voltage lug c and about 180 ipm. Thanks.

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Feb 22, 2012
stainless steel welding NEW
by: simon

Hi, Im looking for a welder that can weld stainless steel in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, its for something that i always wanted to do but i cant weld. if anyone out there interested please give me a call 401-644-2846.

Feb 22, 2012
stainless steel welding NEW
by: simon

Hi, Im looking for a welder that can weld stainless steel in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, its for something that i always wanted to do but i cant weld. if anyone out there interested please give me a call 401-644-2846.

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