metal transfer

how would i know if i enter globular or spray?

is their any volts/wire speed specs for ether one or gas.


A good resource if you have a couple of hours to kill is

here is a quote from the page...

"Reducing the CO2 gas content in an argon mix to a maximum of 20% for carbon steel welds, brings the transition current down and also brings the required spray welding voltages down to comfortable weld levels in which 25 to 32 weld volts for spray transfer with 0.035 - 0.045 (1 - 1.2 mm) wires is typical."

If you dont have a couple of hours, here is a down and dirty summary.

When you change one wire diameter, or gas mixture, the voltage and wire feed speeds it takes to enter globular or spray change.
They can also vary with the power source used.

I know that seems unlikely but all welding currents are not created equal.

There is not one chart that holds true across the board..

as far as globular transfer is concerned...I dont even waste time studying about that because in 33 years, i have never needed it.

thanks for the post,


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Jan 17, 2010
metal transfer
by: cliff lennox

the only reason i mention globular is that on my thermal arc 210 at 3/4(21v)and 5.5(440 ipm) gas is 75/25 ar/co2 the arc seems to have a really harsh sound and i was just wondering if i had enter globular transfer or just a different sound with higher amp short circuit transfer thank you i will check that site out .

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