max amount of weave allowed with flux cored wire

by stuart
(gt yarmouth norfolk uk)

what is the max amount of weave allowed with flux cored wires?


Sometimes if the welding is done according to a code such as AWS D1.1 , the code will list weave limitations. Sometimes not.

The engineering authority might impose a weave limit according to application and service conditions of the structure.

or they might impose a limit base solely on opinion.

I am not aware of any hard fast rule for weave width that applies across the board.

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Dec 08, 2015
Constructor NEW
by: Anonymous

The weave widths are typically 3 to 4 X the wire diameter BUT:
I have never seen this actually published anywhere & LINCOLN for one will not publish a figure .

It has a number of effects on the end structure :
Higher heat inputs = lower impact properties

However depends on the use & needs - structural steel usually does not need high impact properties while a pressure vessel or pipe may need this so there are many parameters to be looked at .
The Approved & tested material using a particular consumable with a set of parameters will determine the weave widths ,

Testing can change widths though & wider weaves can be accepted provided the end weld gives the results sought

May 20, 2013
amount of weave allowed NEW
by: mark glen

Hi i'm from middlesbrough in england and everytime i attend a test the inspector always say's i'm not to weave ! He wants beads everytime,shame theres not to many bead vids on here cause its a class site.

Dec 12, 2011
Structural NEW
by: Torchmanner

The maximum single pass layer width is:
5/8" in the F, H, or OH position for nontubulars.
1" in the V position for nontubulars, and H, V, OH position for tubulars.

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