joining square tube

by Scott

Hello, I have a job of making an arch for the front of a building. It is 24' 6" long. I will run it through the ring roller to get the arch correct. The steel is 1" square tube; only comes in 24' lengths. That means I will have to add 6" to it. My question is where do I add the 6"? It seems logical to just add it on the end. How should I add it? Do I sleeve it with another of smaller tube or do I just butt weld it and grind it smooth. If I sleeve it will it bend the same way in the ring roller.
Any ideas would help.


I think if it were me, I would add the 6" piece on the end and just butt weld it.

If it were bigger and a structural member, an inside sleeve might be smart but since it is only 1" sq tubing, it cant be holding much.

butt welding and blending should allow for your ring roller to make it look good.

thats my 2 cents anyway, anyone else want to add to this?


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Oct 08, 2011
add on to a bend
by: Anonymous

you are going to have a piece at least 20" long because of the waste of 7" min on both ends. If you put a straight piece on the end I'm thinking you won't get the same curve as the rest of the bend. take two pieces of 14' bend them both the same( putting one on top of the other to make sure they are the same). Cut the straight ends off the bends & weld the two bends together in the middle to make your arch. Remember also that point a to point b is shorter in a straight line so you will need more than just the measurement, because of the bend I don't have acces to 24' 1" around here, but I would have to do it the way I described anyway . You will also have an angle to cut on both ends depending on how sharp or shollow the bend is. Lot to it huh?As for strength like Jody says just up the gage to say .093 you should be fine. Chico Thomas Steelsmith fab

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