
Jody doesn't clean his metal?

by Eliot may
(Brookfield , wi)

Why dont I see shiny clean steel when he migs steel?

jody here...
truth is, I clean metal when I think it needs to be cleaned.
pile on everyone...

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Nov 13, 2011
Do as he says... not always as he does! NEW
by: Anonymous

The cleaner, the better. But sometimes the extra effort is not worth it. And if you make a living out of it, that extra time taken cleaning mill scale may very well reduce your profit.

For us who don't know better, it is always a good idea to have the cleanest metal, but those with more experience have the knowledge to judge when it is needed and when it is not.


Nov 12, 2011
cleaning metal NEW
by: eliot may

Today i built a back yard fence barrier for my daughters dogs. its 3/4 inch square steel tube and 3/4 inch steel bar, I cleaned the metal with alcohol and just went at it without grinding the mill scale etc.. off. Worked just fine. grinding all the joints prior to welding would have made an hour long project into a two hour project or more. Thanks jody! Us noobies owe you! I'll save the grinding for critical welds and skip it for this type of non-critical weld.

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